The Importance of School Uniform

Globally, many schools have integrated uniforms as part of their policies. However, making school uniform mandatory has elicited numerous antagonistic reactions. Some opponents argue that the uniforms undermine the student’s ability to express individuality and creativity thus adversely affecting their social development. However, this essay will advance the idea that school uniform should not be banned because it not only improves professionalism but also increases student’s safety.

School uniforms help improve professionalism by enhancing the image of learners. It is not only important for children as they grow up but also when they enter the corporate set up. In the corporate world, the image is essential in promoting one's brand and success (Balogun 14). It does not mean that offices require an employee to put on uniforms but to look neat and professional. The other important factor is that students who are uninformed tend to strictly adhere to policies and procedures as compared to casually dressed kids. In a survey conducted by Thomas McDaniel, the effects of uniforms on student include reducing expulsions and suspensions and minimizing truancies and tardiness (McDaniel 160). Many psychologists agree with Thomas McDaniel findings and link school uniform to compliance and respect. Just the way the white lab coat is widely recognized as a symbol for the doctor and synonymous to empathy and carefulness, the school uniform readily identifies a learner to a particular institution and often reminds him/her to be obedient and respect the colleagues.

Also, school uniforms are essential to increasing student’s safety. For instance, the costumes help to eliminate socioeconomic tensions that may affect students who are unable to afford latest trends (Choi 37). In an institution where learners come with a different manner of dressing, jewelry, and personal items, some may be tempted to steal. However, organizations that promote school uniform policies have lesser violence and theft-related personal effects. For instance, a study conducted in 2012 after a year of implementing uniform policies at Sparks School in Nevada show that the school experienced a 60% reduction in police log reports  (NCES). There was also a substantial drop in student fights, gang activity, property damage and battery. Additionally, school staff could easily spot intruders and any other persons who do not belong to the institution and take appropriate actions (NCES).

Although school uniform has many advantages, there are some disadvantages as well. For instance, the uniforms have a potential to undermine the students’ ability to express individuality and creativity because it prevents them from wearing what they want. Some scholars argue that school uniforms restrict the vital part of the social interaction that promotes communication though outer appearance (Hoofnagle). For fashion stars, wearing school uniforms will suppress not only their freedom but also the passion for personal expression. In most cases, the uniforms are made of dull colors with simple designs that some persons do not like (NCES). Since the uniforms are not as flattering as other garments, the students then become more conscious about their image. Due to diversity in cultures, it becomes hard for schools to decide which uniform design is suitable. Therefore a student will be forced to wear what he/she does not like, or that does not promote cultural creativity. However, students do not wear school uniforms during vacations.


Making school uniforms mandatory has elicited many opposing reactions due to different perceptions, likes and cultural diversities. Although school uniform has a potential to undermine creativity, it helps teach professionalism amongst students at a tender age. Promoting decent behavior will be crucial in assisting them to succeed in their professional lives. Additionally, with the increasing insecurity, having school uniform is essential in helping school security organs to identify intruders and reduce theft of personal effects. During vacations, students have chances of putting on clothing that they prefer. Therefore, school uniforms should not be banned.

Works Cited

Balogun, Mustapha. " The Mediation of Corporate Website in Corporate Identity and Corporate Image Relationship." SSRN Electronic Journal, Vol. 4, no. 6 (2013): 3-14.

Choi, Mi. "A Study on School Uniform Modification Behavior and School Uniform Fitting Evaluation of Middle and High School Students." Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, Vol. 7, No. 50 (2012): pp. 37-48.

Hoofnagle, Linn. Uniforms limit number of outlets for creativity and self-expression. 2012. 2018 .

McDaniel, Thomas. "Making the School Uniform Decision: Is It Right for Your School?" Kappa Delta Pi Record, Vol. 4, No. 49 (2013): 162-167.

NCES. Indicator 20: Safety and Security Measures Taken by Public Schools. 2018. 2018 .

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