The Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on European Art

a) Dominance of landscape as a subject matter in response to the industrial revolution

With the encroachment of the industrial revolution in the early 1800s, economic activities shifted gradually, then rapidly to accommodate the new commodities (Johnson, para. 1). The dormant agrarian activities of Europe shifted metamorphosed to the industrial work of stream and electric power. The Johnson (para. 1-4) narrates the artistic works also shifted to show the new industrialized landscapes on the paintings. Below is an image of the realist’s painting.

b) How the romantics and realists acted as early environmental activists by encouraging viewers to rethink of the impact of industry on their environment

            Initially, romantics based their paintings on the idealized subject of faith and religion. Their drawings were portrayed in a manner that afflicted deep emotions. With their descriptions of the environmental accuracies of rain and drought, their viewers got moved to show more concern for the natural environment. On the other hand, the realists presented their paintings of the natural phenomena in ways that instantly touched the viewers’ concerns.

c) My belief on how our natural environment would be like without the factories, malls, skyscrapers and other intrusions of industry

Through the comparison of the artists’ paintings, it becomes convincing that the landscape and the vast environment would be more attractive before the influence of industrial revolution. Nevertheless, I believe that the industrial revolution has only interrupted the healthy natural environment of the olden days. Had it not been so, the emergence of the impressionists between 1874 and 1920 would not have been so.

Question 2

d) The repercussions of the Cubist movement

The introduction of the Cubism in the European art, fostered by renowned artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in the early 20th century can be seen as a massive improvement in the art of sculpture. Cubist movement introduced the following as direct effect on the artistic work:

Multidimensional view of the art: the Cubists introduced the multiple perspective view of the drawing. Viewers can look at the images from different angles.

More coloration and impression: the images were give more coloration for an improved impression. The coloration came with the industrialization of 20th c. (Johnson, para. 3).

e) The effect of World War I on the art of 1920 and how the artists took the Cubism to new directions

World War I painted a new picture on the face of Cubism art. With the disorganized migrations, the ideas got shared across Europe and the more skills emerged such as the abstract systems and the grids, as promoted by Piet Mondrian. As a result, the Cubism took a totally different direction from the representation of the idealized figures but a communication of the repercussions of war.

Works Cited

Johnson, K. “History, Trade and Art.” Art and Artistic Reactions to the Industrial Revolution, 2010.

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