The Impact of Task Environment on the Workforce

i. What is the broader context of society that must be considered when assessing the task environment of organizations that offer shelter services for intimate partner violence (IPV)?

The broader context of society that must be considered when assessing the task environment of organizations that offers shelter services for IPV are diversity in size, population serviced and geographic location.

1. What methods were used by the researchers to collect data and evidence?

The researchers used a qualitative study method which combined the use of in-depth interviews and focus groups consisting of 37 staff and four executive directors from four shelters in Ontario, Canada to collect their data and evidence.

2. What were the methods that address how structural conditions affect and shape the delivery of shelter services?

The methods that address how structural conditions affect and shape the delivery of shelter services are an analysis of how the Ontario Works Act functions in line with the shelter services.

3. What was the biggest barrier faced by the workers in trying to assist the clients to rebuild their lives?

A lack of understanding about intimate partner violence created the biggest barrier in rebuilding of the clients’ lives.

4. What individual issues presented by the women also compound the problem?

Inadequate finances, difficulty obtaining safe and affordable housing, lack of social support and difficulties accessing legal assistance compound the problem.

5. In regard to task environment, what are some of the distinct challenges of providing service in a rural environment?

The lack of or availability of very few service options available for women as well as limited services available adds to the challenges of providing services in a rural environment.

6. How does the nature of the relationship with the sources of revenue impact service delivery?

Limited or a lack of the sources of revenues significantly hinders the delivery of shelter services.

7. How do regulatory bodies impact the way shelters can do their work?

Regulatory bodies determine the kind of services that the shelters can provide to their clients. Hence, the shelters cannot function outside the constraints of the regulatory bodies.

8. What is the impact of the task environment on the morale of the workforce?

The task environment affects the morale of the workforce. When working in rural environments the workforce is often less motivated because of the limited services available however, in urban environments the workforce is often more motivated because of optimum services for delivery to the clients.

9. How does the article define structural violence?

According to the article structural violence “Is a systematically type of exerted violence that is perpetrated by everyone belonging to a certain social order” (Burnett, 6).

10. How does the system as described in this article reproduce and reinforce structural violence against the women it is set up to serve?

The system reproduces and reinforces structural violence against the women it is set up to serve by forcing the women to keep retelling their stories for them to access resources which serves as a means of violating the privacy of the women and revictimizing them as opposed to helping them.

11. Identify system ‘contradictions” that present challenges for both the staff and the clients

System contradictions that present challenges for both the staff and the clients are structural process which result in a lack of resources, insufficient services for women and insensitive bureaucracy structures which hinder delivery of services.

12. Discuss the importance and benefits of collaboration and partnerships when delivering service under conditions described by the agency directors.

Collaborations and partnerships when delivering services under the described conditions are important in responding to all the systemic and societal problems of domestic violence.

13. Identify one system change you might recommend to minimize the impact of structural violence and address the human rights of the women who have experienced IPV within the context of this article.

To minimize the impact of structural violence when dealing with women who have experienced IPV, it would be important for the woman to avoid retelling their stories as it not only violates their right of privacy but also hinders them from getting the social support they so much need.

Part Two

ii. Thinking back at the analysis you read and completed of the shelters in an IPV system in the Burnett et al. article, how might the culturally responsive approach used in this collaboration mitigate some of the concerns of structural violence that were identified in the research study?

A culturally responsive approach is important in mitigating some of the concerns of structural violence identified in the research study since, it considers the aspect of cultural identity of the affected group of people. Such helps to eliminate instances of stereotypes, discrimination, alienation and intimidation when offering care services. Therefore, a culturally responsive approach, is important as it helps to present the structural inequalities faced by different groups of people hence easing the delivery of shelter services in accordance to the needs of its target group.

Part Three

iii. Community members relationships with resources in their community determine whether or not they are assets or “nonassets.” One resident might “grade” an asset as an “A” because the person experiences a strong connection there. Another community member might give that same resource an “F” because of racism or sexual harassment that occurred there. When community members need to leave their geographic communities for resources, that might indicate whether there are needed assets that are missing. Consider the geographic community in which you live (New York) and identify the assets, nonassets and missing assets.

New York, which is my geographic community, is best known for its bustling life, famous buildings, theatres, cinemas and captivating billboards. Hence as part of its assets New York embodies the ‘American Dream’ owing to its vibrant busy and bustling nature which sets it apart especially as a result of its architecture and stunning buildings. New York thus offers plenty of career opportunities for most people which serves as a key asset of the location. However, in regards to nonassets, New York requires a person with thick skin as the people tend to treat one in a rude and discriminating manner and hence some culture may not fit into the culture. In regards to missing assets, the renting costs in New York are very high, making it an economically non-viable location for settling down.

Works Cited

Burnett, Camille J. "Examining the effects of policies on the delivery of shelter services to women who have experienced intimate partner violence." (2012).

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