The Impact of Gender, Marital Status, and Nationality on Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery

The primary objective for the research paper was to study the relationship between genders, marital status, and nationality in relation to acceptance of cosmetic surgery. There were two considered nationalities, Qatari and non-Qataris, two genders male and female and finally two marital status either married or single. Therefore a test for association using ANOVA table (CHI-Square technique) was used under a 95% confidence which is the recommended level of confidence. Different cosmetic surgery aspects were considered like neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. The results were analyzed using CHI-square test for association and results were as shown in the table below.

Table 1: ANOVA output table of different sex, marital status, and nationality

source of variation

sum of squares


Nationality * Marital



Nationality * Gender



Marital * Gender



Nationality * Marital * Gender



From the ANOVA table above there are four possible interactions between nationality, marital status, and gender. All the interactions post different significance. The interaction between nationality and marital status in relation to acceptance to the cosmetic surgery post average significance of 0.0126 which is less than the maximum acceptable confidence level which is 0.05, therefore, there is a significant impact of nationality and marital status interaction on acceptance of cosmetic surgery. Nationality and gender post an average significance of 0.0208 which is less than 0.05, therefore, the association is significant to cosmetic surgery acceptance. Marital status and gender post a significance of 0.363 which is greater than the threshold percent which is 0.05, therefore, the association between gender and marital status does not have a significant impact on cosmetic surgery acceptance. Finally, the interaction of all the three sources of variation (nationality, marital status, and gender) posts an average significance of 0.0112 which is less than the threshold confidence level, therefore, indicates a significant impact of association on cosmetic surgery acceptance. With confirmed association significance the interactions were further analyzed using graphs as shown below to illustrate a comparison between different sources of variation under study. 

Figure 1: comparison between different genders mean cosmetic surgery acceptance

From the graph above, we can see that there is a visual difference between the mean of different aspects of cosmetic surgery between men and women. As an example, we can see that more males are open to experience when compared to females. In all aspects except for cosmetic surgery men are more likely to accept cosmetic surgery when compared to females. Even though there is a visual difference in mean acceptance between different genders, the different gender association does not post a statistically significant impact on the mean acceptance of cosmetic surgery. We can also see that married people are more likely to accept cosmetic surgery compared to single people from figure 2 below. Qatari people are more reluctant to accept cosmetic surgery when compared to non-Qataris from the graph below (figure 3). Both marital status and nationalism difference in mean acceptance of cosmetic surgery cause a significant change in mean acceptance of cosmetic surgery. 

Figure 2: Comparison between different marital status cosmetic surgery acceptance

Figure 3: Comparison between different Nationalities mean cosmetic surgery acceptance

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