The Human Nature and Response to Various Conditions

In the 1951 two-part novel Molloy, the author uses two characters whose life stories are very comparable to one another. The focus of the first section is on Molloy, the main character, whose history is only dimly described. Both the character Moran and his family and Molloy's connection with his mother are strained. Human nature and interests are portrayed throughout the narrative as the primary determinant of their interactions with the people who truly count in their lives. Molloy struggles both physically and emotionally as a result of his attitude toward his mother, which makes him believe she is less than him. He no longer trusts anyone even when they are trying to help him to a point of returning to savage life from a house where he had been offered hospitality. Moran’s pendant nature separates him from his family so that occurrences suppress him to a point of losing his mind. This article therefore, analyses human nature, conditions individuals find themselves tied in and the impact thereof in the quality of life they lead.

The view people have on the dignity of others regardless of their gender, financial status, their role and so on, is a key determinant of the treatment they extend to such individuals. Molloy views his mother as the reason as to why he has gone through so much in his life (Beckett 60). He even wishes she had aborted him so that he would never have been born. He even uses ‘knocking at the door’ technique to communicate with his mother. As a son, he ought to be the person who knows his mother best, by accepting her as she is, and regardless of the situation. This denies him happiness as a son, and as well he loses his worthiness too. He says ‘to him who has nothing it is forbidden not to relish filth’ (Beckett 23). In the second part of the story, Moran views his wife and children as inferior and treats them with scorn; the result is ailments for no reason and eventually insanity. Through the two characters the author shows how disregarding the dignity of those who matters most to us denies us the happiness we deserve so that finally we are living savage life. It is therefore inevitable that we appreciate the importance of everyone so that life can have its true value. This novel serves as an eye opener to show how human preference for perfection can deprive us happiness and therefore it should come after the latter.

Molloy’s condition makes him pessimistic about almost all the aspects of prosperity and growth. He believes that bad luck chose him and that things are going to remain the same despite any amount of effort one puts, ‘What do you expect, one is what one is, partly at least, Nothing or little to be done [sic]’ (Beckett 41). He becomes hopeless and even prefers going back to savage life, the same case for Moran who suffers physically as a result of losing family. This depicts the two characters as two facets for the same character and actually it appears as if Molloy’s story is written by Moran. Human beings are such that when depressing situations come their way, they feel less human and no hope is left of ever getting to the next level. Molloy thinks that his early life guarantees no bright future, ‘it’s so nice to know where you’re going, in the early stages. It almost rids you the will to go there,’ (Beckett 30). This unwillingness to push harder, only serves to make his life even more miserable. I would therefore suggest that such a stressful condition be approached with optimism if there is any chance that things are to get any better.

It is the writers view that ‘not knowing’ serves a better deal of happiness than actually knowing much,’…that is when peace comes to the heat of the incurious’. Knowing what he has gone through and what is in store for him given the situation makes him skeptic about quest for information (Beckett 21). This depicts fear of the unknown as part of human’s nature since Molloy fears what he has not even seen. This is evident even with people believing things they are not convinced about because they fear what the consequences of failing to believe would be. Despite writing weekly, he could not see the potential in him and that he could utilize it to turn his life around. Moran treats his family harshly to keep his distance for he feared they would discover his wicked ways, later he suffers after knowing he had lost them merely because he feared the unknown (Beckett 27). Throughout the two sections of the book, this aspect of human nature is demonstrated with Molloy’s story and Moran’s respectively. This expresses the importance of facing our daily troubles head on rather than running from them for no good comes from escapism.

Conversely, the writer is positive about days to come, ‘I am still alive then. That may come in useful’ (Beckett 30). Unlike Moran who succumbs to the situation eventually, Molloy sees light at the end of the tunnel and hopes for greener pastures in future. The author demonstrates two different ways in which human beings react to conditions they are in, and the implication on the direction their lives take. Choosing to lose hope leaves an individual in a compromised situation where it is almost impossible to get them out of it. Molloy remains mentally stable because he does not let the situation take control of him. He still describes his future as sweet, ‘ dear little sweet little future…I have a good time coming’ (Beckett 23). It was therefore just right that Molloy made that decision otherwise he would end up like Moran and his future would be shattered. Though quite a difficult endeavor to undertake, it is usually the only way to get ourselves from the chains of depression we find ourselves in. The decision to tell our minds that we are meant for greatness is the benchmark to a better life irrespective of the current situation.

It is therefore clear that despite human nature being demonstrated as one with many flaws, the author shows how decisions we make can decide what we become despite the level of difficulty we are subjected to. Molloy suffers so much throughout his life but emerges stronger compared to his counterpart who allows himself to be a victim of the situation. Molloy is a character through whom the author passes his message on what to do, what not to, and what bearing our decisions have to our future given tough and devastating situations. This literary work is therefore an incredible piece that serves to caution society against giving into weak human nature traits and instead find a reason to be hopeful by valuing who we are as well as the worth of everyone we relate to.

Works cited

Beckett, Samuel. Molloy. Faber & Faber, 2012.

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