The Effects Of Cyberbullying

The article  illustrates the best methods that can be adopted in order to reduce cyberbullying among the teenagers and young children.  The author salso illustrates the laws and legislation that can be used in order to reduce cyberbullying According to the authors, El Asam, Aiman, and Muthanna Samara cyberbullying has tended to ride due to an enhanced technology worldwide hence everyone feels the urge to explore the internet. Despite the fact that the evolvement of technology has provided greater advantages to its users such as online jobs, it has its own drawbacks such as cyberbullying which hassled to lots of arguments among the people in the society. From the article, cyberbullying tends the culture and tradition whereby the users develop habits and use the internet in an inappropriate manner which is prohibited by the society at large. The users tend to threaten the life of the users through social media or harass them through social media platforms such as Facebook. This act, therefore, provides physiological problems to the involved individuals. As indicated by the author bullying is seen to be more prevalent among the teenagers as well as the children. From the article, cyberbullying can be made of harassment, impersonation, triggery and outing. These behaviours can lead to health and behavioural problems to both the one who does the bullying as well as the one being harassed. From the article, trauma can be caused by cyberbullying and therefore it should be classified as a mental problem which needs to be treated. Furthermore creating awareness on the use and the consequences of using the internet should be addressed to the users.Depression has also been portrayed by the users, therefore, lowering their self-esteem. The article clearly illustrates the types of cyberbullying as well as its effects, therefore, educating the reader.To add on that, he points out the ways that can be used in order to avoid the chaos that may arise due to overuse of the internet in an inappropriate manner.

The article defines the increase in technology to be more than the rate at which the law can be applied. The government, therefore, have the purpose to amend the current legislation laws.The technology can as well play a role in reducing the rates of cyberbullying as illustrated by the author

The author explains the legal acts that can be used to reduce the rates of cyberbullying or to truly cut them down. The users are also required to get informed on the current rules and regulations on the use of the internet. Some might not be well informed about the rules, therefore, creating awareness can be a way forward.

Legal laws on the use of the internet need to be adopted in order to reduce the rates of bullying.Despite the fact that the technology has provided a room for reporting any form of cyberbullying due to increased technology, many users do not adhere to the rules. Further research is still being done in order to provide the best ways of conducting a case based on abuse of the internet. From the article, the author is able to air out his information in the better way which enables the reader to visualize it in a better way. The article relates to the world in that it's based on the best ways to educate the users and avoid the increased harassment that is being portrayed through cyberbullying.


El Asam, Aiman, and Muthanna Samara. "Cyberbullying and the law: A review of psychological and legal challenges." Computers in Human Behavior 65 (2016): 127-141.

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