The Difference Between Single-Sex and Cored Schools

In single sex schools there exists a high likelihood of boys pursuing their exact interests compared to those in cored schools who stereotypically get pressured to go for courses traditionally perceived to be for boys. In a statement, the author argues that "boys in all-boys schools are more than twice as likely to study subjects such as foreign languages, arts, music, and drama" (Malik, 150). A study conducted in the UK identified the effects from single sex classrooms within different neighborhoods and came to a conclusion that the single-sex schools stood out since they could easily establish a school culture and maintain academic excellence (Malik, 150). An example is seen in Leeds where only a third of the boys excelled in German and French within cored schools, but the same was not the case in single-sex schools since all students maintained good grades (Malik, 150). Additionally, single-sex schools are known to provide role models to the society since students obtain different skills, interests, and modes of learning as a result reducing the gender gaps in different fields of study.

After graduating from single-sex high schools women tend not to always enclose themselves from the traditional sex role attitudes but instead come out of school with more confidence that sees them even go for courses of less traditional fields (Hartman, 9). Moreover, they still have a higher chance compared to those who attended cored schools to do courses that have been over the years thought to be male dominated. The level of confidence between these two sets of girls differs greatly with those from single-sex high schools understanding that they have to always stand out for themselves while those from cored schools understanding that males tend to be more dominant in many aspects of society. The author's main argument revolves around the ideology the society has towards women, generally arguing that "the issue of self-esteem is of major concern when talking about high school girls in general" (Hartman, 9).


Malik, Ra’ana. "Differential Effects Of Single Sex Versus Coed Education On The Personality Development Of Primary School Students." Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) 33.1 (2013): 149-162. Print.

Hartman, Kristen. "The Advantages Of Single-Sex Vs. Coeducational Environments For High School Girls." 2.63 (2011): n. pag. Print.

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