The Concept of Active Learning

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I would like to thank the professor for a commendable lesson that he has offered me throughout the semester and equipping me with better skills and knowledge of becoming a better teacher in the future.

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Reflection on Teaching as a Profession

There are many professions in the world today from lawyers, doctors to engineers, which are high paying and preferred by many students. Nonetheless, to me, the most important profession that I would kill for is teaching even though many people do not offer it much respect that it deserves. Many people usually do not comprehend that without education and the lessons being taught in class by the teachers, no one would learn anything thus there will be no doctors, engineers, lawyers, growth, and nothing at all. When we think about it, teachers are the givers of knowledge and other professions to the society thereby they should be accorded with respect and appreciated. Doctors usually save our lives especially when we are ill, but more than that, teachers are the ones who equipped them with the knowledge and skills that they apply in the hospitals when treating a patient. Teachers are the foundation of every other profession, and without them, there would have been no discoveries, advancement of technology, and the world would be static. In this paper, a critical reflection on my approach towards teaching using theory and research will be discussed.

Educational Experience that brought me to Teaching

As a child, I was fortunate to have several loving and intelligent educators who instilled in me the thirst for reading books to gain knowledge. They made literature in my studies come alive and solving mathematical problems exciting, but most outstandingly, they made a huge difference in my life. Right from my early educational training in grade 4, I knew that my passion lies in helping others discover the wonders that my teachers had also shown me. I developed a knack for guiding other fellow students in class whenever they faced problems regarding their studies. I also took pleasure in other learners success. The manner in which students eyes lit up in response to comprehending any subject area taught to them in awe ignited my excitement for teaching. Most significantly, knowing that indeed I was making a significant impact beyond that of academics, cemented my decision in becoming part of this important, evolving, and noble occupation. There is no second-guessing and no regret of my choice of becoming an educator. Every day I recommit to teaching, and I consider being a teacher, a lifestyle decision. Teaching fills my life with love and purpose, which continues to multiply every second. Therefore, even if I died and born again in another timeframe in this world, I would gladly choose teaching profession.

How the Experiences Shaped my Teaching View

The experiences that I received while growing up have me to be a passionate teacher who enjoys influencing other student's lives positively. Teaching demands a passion and drive (Morehouse, 2008). It is not a profession that a person wakes up one morning, and then they decide that they want to begin teaching. It takes several hours of grading, a lot of commitment, being knowledgeable in the subject areas, and understanding children.

The experiences will assist me in having higher expectations to the student's performances in both academics and other school activities such as sports. I will encourage the students to work to their full potential. Teachers influence the learners' lives daily. They assist in shaping the students' minds by laying their foundation of skills and knowledge across all the subjects ("Beyond the call of duty - Letters | The Star Online," 2017). Typically, learners would not set their future goals to become lawyers if they did not find interest or excel in what they learned in their languages classes all through their schooling years. Similarly, our system of governance would not have been effective if students were not taken through political sciences to assist them in comprehending the significance of government in Australia (Reegan, 2016).

The experiences will assist me in becoming a teacher who has a strong rapport with the students. Establishing a trusting relationship with the educators is perfect for their success in learning. An efficient teacher is essential to the future of the young children in Australia. Teachers usually have the greatest in-school influence on student achievement and engagement ("Teaching and School Leadership | Department of Education and Training," 2018).

The experiences that I gained while I was a child will assist me in becoming a teacher who will be knowledgeable regarding the standards and curriculum. A great educator usually has knowledge and skills of the institution curriculum and other standards that they must uphold in the classes (Parkay " Gougeon, 2010). I will ensure that my teaching meets those standards to equip the students with necessary skills in their educational lives.

Concepts of Learning and Teaching

Active Learning

In the profession of teaching, I have a belief of engaging students in class activities, which involve the active exchange of ideas between the teacher and the students. Learners are supposed to contribute their thoughts actively to a significant collaborative activity or discussion guided by a teacher (Macmillan 1968). For instance, a class that is engaged in active learning is usually divided into groups that are collaborating with the board or computers supervised by the educator.

Hybrid/Blended Learning

For the proper success of students in the classroom, I believe in hybrid learning that involves a combination of out-of-class online learning, mainly through digital media and in-class-active learning. It assists in better learning and understanding of particular topics in the curriculum thereby good performance of students in the exams (Macmillan 1968). For instance, outside the class, learners may be requested to watch specific online video lectures on a particular subject through the class website. In the classroom, the educator can ask them to take part in active learning activities or discussions guided by their out-of-class research.

Self-regulated Learning

Students have different learning capabilities. However, as an educator, I believe in equality in learning thereby assisting the ones who have to learn challenges to catch up with their colleagues. Self-regulated learning refers to having an awareness of students learning problems thus educators coming up with regulating personal acts to address the challenges (Macmillan 1968). Motivating learners to be aware of their learning strengths and weaknesses usually help in solving areas that challenge them. For instance, in learners who are self-aware that they have a problem in understanding specific assigned readings in class, I would encourage them to come up with their learning strategies such as taking short note while reading.

Growth Mindset

Without goals set by people, Benjamin Franklin would not have developed electricity. Thus, the world would have been set backward since electricity is the source for all the current developments. In the classroom, I will encourage students to adopt the growth mindset that requires students to believe that they can learn especially by working toward achieving their goals and improvement as opposed to fixed mindsets that place the learners in a position of believing that they either are good in a particular subject or not. Motivating a growth mindset in students through class interventions reminds learners that growing, learning, and succeeding is an ongoing process and not only achieved by inborn talent (Macmillan 1968).

Stereotype Threat

It refers to a phenomenon whereby people who are victims of being stereotyped end up having more stress than the ones who do not face the same situation (Macmillan 1968). In students, stereotyping makes them perform poorly due to stress they face; hence, underperforming even in their future careers. Minorities are usually the victims. In Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are the ones who are typically stereotyped. Non-indigenous students often assume that they are much brighter than indigenous students are; hence, the minorities are discouraged from putting more effort in class work due to the stereotype the community has developed. When it comes to subject choices, the society sometimes usually have this belief that boys are better in sciences than girls are thus women avoid pursuing science-related careers such as medicine. The behaviour limits fair competition among students. As a teacher, I would ensure all the students in my class are educated that they are all equal in learning irrespective of their race and gender to encourage higher performance among each of them.

Australian Teaching Standards in my Pre-service teaching Degree

Knowing learners and how they learn

Comprehending how students learn. Through my pre-service teaching degree, I would demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of research regarding how learners learn and the teaching implications (National Professional Standards for Teachers, 2018). Having enough information concerning the previous studies conducted by other scholars of how students respond to different curriculums, the challenges they go through and how to overcome them, or what can be used to motivate them to achieve success in the classroom will be my priority to ensure that I become a better teacher after my degree.

Learners with diverse cultural, linguistic, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds

Demonstrating knowledge of schooling strategies, which are receptive to the learning needs and strengths of learners from diverse cultural, linguistic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds will be my main aim for my personal growth during my pre-service teaching degree. The strategies will assist me in understanding the needs of the students; hence, ensuring that learning is not hindered by any factor that limits their academic performance.

Strategies for teaching learners from indigenous groups

Developing knowledge and comprehension of the impact of culture and linguistic background concerning learning of learners from the indigenous backgrounds will assist in creating a boundary regarding respect for their traditions and catering for their needs to ensure their better performance in class.

Knowing the Content and how to teach it

Curriculum, reporting, and assessment

Knowing this area assist in designing lesson plans and learning sequences, which ensures that all the topics in a subject are taught well to the students, and they understand entirely to enhance better performance in the classroom.

Content and Teaching Techniques of the Teaching Area

Demonstrating knowledge and comprehension of the substance, concepts, and structure of the content and strategies of teaching about an area assist in providing adequate learning information to the students; hence, a better understanding of the lessons.

Planning for and Implementing Effective Learning and Teaching

Establishing Challenging Learning Goals

When teachers set achievable goals to every learner depending on their capabilities, the students will strive to reach them and even surpass them thereby ensuring their extraordinary performance in their schooling. I will establish such goals during my pre-service teaching to ensure that my students perform better after finishing my degree.

Using Teaching Strategies

Efficient learning strategies lead to students achieving good grades in class due to being equipped with knowledge and understanding of the content in class.

Select and Utilization of resources

Using an efficient range of resources such as ICT will be my primary strategy for ensuring that students are well engaged in learning. The resources apart from the books in the classroom assist learners in a better understanding of their studies.

Creating and Maintaining Safe Learning Environments

Support Learners Participation

Encouraging inclusive participation of students in class discussion and activities is crucial in ensuring that every person performs better in class. When students contribute their ideas in class, they learn from their mistakes thereby gaining new knowledge.

Maintaining Safety of Learners

Keeping students safe away from injuries or harm by internal or external factors is key to ensuring good academic performance due to lack of fear that leads to stress.

Assessments and offering feedback, and reporting on Learners Learning

Assessing students learning

Demonstrating comprehension of assessment strategies such as diagnostic, summative, and formal and informal approaches to assessing students learning assist in knowing the level of understanding and performance of the students regarding a particular area. Use of rubrics for grading is crucial in the assessment process (National Professional Standards for Teachers, 2018).


Teaching is a profession that I would be glad to pick over millions of dollars. It is my passion, and I cannot imagine living a day without instilling knowledge in other students. While growing up, I was lucky to have teachers who taught me well, and through this, I was able to assist my colleagues in a better understanding of areas that they did not comprehend well; thus, my thirst in helping students for life in the classroom as a teacher. Through the experiences, I tend to be a passionate teacher, have high expectation of the students through better performance, and have a good rapport with the students due to my good communication skills. The concepts of learning that I highly regard are active learning that involves the inclusive participation of every student in the classroom, doing away with the stereotype threats that hinder the performance of students in the class, and blended learning that involves both in-class and outside class studies. Areas of the Australian Teaching Standards that assist in my pre-service teaching include knowing learners and what they learn, particularly in their curriculum and content. Creating a safe environment for learning, this involves protecting the students from stress factors that will hinder their performance. Assessments and offering feedback, and reporting on Learners Learning through the use of grading rubric to measure their level of understanding in a particular area.



Macmillan, C. J. B. (1968). Concepts of teaching.

Teaching and School Leadership | Department of Education and Training. (2018). Retrieved from

Reegan, C. (2016). Why Teaching Is The Most Important Profession. Retrieved from

Morehouse, L. (2008). Teaching with Passion: Advice for Young Educators | Edutopia. Retrieved from

Beyond the call of duty - Letters | The Star Online. (2017). Retrieved from

National Professional Standards for Teachers. (2018). [Ebook]. Retrieved from

Parkay, F. W., Stanford, B. H., " Gougeon, T. D. (2010). Becoming a teacher (pp. 432-462). Pearson/Merrill.

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