The Art of Literature

The Craft of Literature

Articulates insights, sentiments in ways that sometimes the rest of us cannot—Gives voice to what is submerged and suppressed (the questions behind the questions)—Defamiliarizes the familiar. – Johanna Shapiro, Can Poetry Make Better Doctors?


The essay supports Johanna Shapiro's idea of literature being used to articulate the sentiments and insights in a way that gives the suppressed and submerged a voice. For us to understand the mind of other people, they express themselves in the form of writing or spoken words. In so doing, we can understand why they see things differently from our point of view. Cultures, medical sciences, politics, religious beliefs, and other expressions are best articulated through the use of literature.


Over the years, literature has been changing to fit concepts that emerge in our society. As a result, we can express our sentiments and insights in a better way via the use of literature (O'Neill 21). In this case, the writer or speaker not only tells us about what is in his or her mind but also makes us start believing and understanding his position on various matters. The famous British poet, William Shakespeare, once said that if he is told to write his mind, then he would ask for ink and a pen. The expression here is to show that the purpose of literature is not just to communicate to the people but also to articulate our sentiments and insights in such a way other people will understand (O'Neill 34). Thus, the statement by Johanna Shapiro through the literature we can articulate our sentiments and insights have been backed by the William Shakespeare's statement.

I would also like to support the statement by adding the words of Robert Louis Stevenson who said that the difficult thing about literature is not to write because anyone can do that, but to write what the author means. In this case, the insights and sentiments of the writer are able not only to affect the audience but also to affect him or her the way the writer wanted.

Art of Literature

The art of literature can be expressed in the form of drama, nonfiction, fiction, journalism, poetry and many other types of creative imaginations. In all these forms, the writer wants us to understand his mind in a way that the sentiments and insights that are expressed will be able to change our understanding in the way he or she wants (O'Neill 23). The subject matter might be general to humans, and thus a good literature work ensures that the content offers satisfaction and pleasure to the readers. That is the reason Jane Austen once said that an intolerably stupid person is one who doesn't get pleasure from a good novel. Thus, the literature cannot be classified in the same category as religion, philosophy, psychology, or sociology. Though these subjects also express their ideas through literature, they do not offer that pleasure derived from a well-written novel or poetry (O'Neill 15). For example, the theme expressed in literature maybe political revolution or a social problem but in equal measure, it portrays an individual's fantasy, problem or passion.

A theme is a factor that ensures that the insights and sentiments expressed in literature be of importance. It is not all about teaching or supporting an ideology as we see in religion or philosophy but a combination of articulating one's thoughts and sentiments interestingly. The universal appeal and power to make other people understand you and most likely change their perception on various matters is what makes literature. For instance, the idea of God is supposed to be eternal despite the changes that happen in our societies. Nevertheless, ideas keep on changing which makes perceptions of people on matters like God different over the years. Since the doctrine and teaching about God were designed in a way they should not be changed to avoid distortion of information it requires literature to understand the differences we have in such subjects. The universality of ideas and people brought my understanding of literature fits the Johanna Shapiro bill of how literature defamiliarizes what is familiar through an articulation of people's sentiments and insights in an exciting way (O'Neill 35).

In so doing, we come to respect where some people come from as far as their ideologies in various matters are concerned. Thus, the modern writers can develop a flair for feelings, expressions or situations that are complex in language. In this case, the literature is freed from the limitations of class and becomes a subway of people expressing their feelings and thoughts, and that has made it more popular.


Johanna Shapiro was rights to say literature is an avenue for articulating our sentiments and insights in a manner that is understandable to many (O'Neill 31). Therefore, apart from drawing the attention of readers to the truth about life and societies, the literature has also been able to take people to higher levels of life and thoughts. As a result, the use of literature helps us understand the forces that led to the different perception of an issue that was supposed to be static. In so doing, it incorporates the insights and sentiments of different communities and uses them to make us understand people. Thus, giants in the literature field are best known for expressing their minds on various contemporary issues in our societies not just as a panacea to particular problems but also as a form of defamiliarizing what we think is familiar (Shapiro, Nixon, Wear & Doukas 10). For instance, through literature, we can express our thoughts and social life.

Works Cited

O'Neill, Kate. "Book Review: James R. Elkins, Lawyers Poets and that World We Call Law." (2014).

Shapiro, Johanna, et al. "Medical professionalism: what the study of literature can contribute to the conversation." Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10.1 (2015): 10.

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