Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and How a Manager Can Build Employee Self Esteem at Work?

The Perception of Self-concept

The perception of one's individuality is referred to as one's self-concept. It refers to a person's understanding of their own character, flaws, and ability. Self-esteem, on the other hand, corresponds to the attitude where one expands their autonomy. It is the degree to which people trust and approve of their behavior.

Promoting Self-esteem in an Organizational Environment

A manager should take a number of actions to promote self-esteem in an organizational environment. To begin with, expanded job delegation is a channel for the boss to reinforce employee self-esteem (Kinicki and Fugate 17). Both workers should be treated with dignity by the boss. Individuals need to feel that they are an important part of the organization. Additionally, the manager ought to reward achievements.

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Assumptions About Employees

Theory X is predicated on the assumption that team members hate their duties and have to be cajoled into overseeing their mandates (Kinicki and Fugate 57). Essentially, it advocates for micromanagement as the medium through which managers should interact with their employees. On the other hand, theory Y assumes that workers enjoy their duties. Subsequently, it advocates for an interactive communication framework to facilitate collective growth.

Elements of Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement refers to a beneficial stimulus that is enforced to promote a desirable behavior. For instance, awarding an employee through promotion as a result of hard work provides a positive reinforcement. A negative reinforcement refers to a punitive stimulus that is enforced to discourage undesirable behavior. Sacking an employee due to inefficiency provides an example of negative reinforcement. Punishment refers to a form of negative reinforcement that is applied to discourage particular behavior. For instance, when an employee engages in criminal behavior, they may be demoted to discourage similar tendencies in the future. Lastly, extinction refers to a gradual conditioning system that occurs when a valued behavioral action is withheld to reduce the probability of recurrence (Kinicki and Fugate 78). For instance, when candy is withheld from a child who screams for candy, the child is taught that they should not demand for things.

Work Cited

Kinicki, Angelo and Mel Fugate. Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices. Mc-Graw Hill Education, 2011.

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