Role of Education in Society.

Training has a major impact on the development and improvement of students' skills. Many people underestimate the difficulty of literacy because they have not been subjected to illiterate conditions. There are many tasks that people with little experience cannot do in society. Because of their weak skills, their options are limited. Many are taken care of, for example, in making decisions if they are ones influencing the society, they would have to go with the majority's view. It is a struggle for them because they cannot articulate their opinions and therefore cannot form an educated opinion. The study will focus to highlight the role of education and how it can be used as a tool to enhance the welfare of everyone in the community. The audience is a curious academic audience of peers. I am convinced after the presentation people will learn how education is significant and the importance of advocating for every child to join the school at the right age.

Research Rationale.
Many issues affect the learning process. Research conducted by different scholars indicates that the literacy levels are still low in other parts of the country. Many factors determine if a child will attend school. The standard of know-how about the parents influences the choices that individuals make in life. If the guardians are proficient, they know about the advantages of instructing the kid. They will enlist them for school at the correct age since they comprehend the benefits of learning. Poverty is on the rise, and the majority of people cannot afford essential commodities. The school fees are increasing while the income of most parents is static or declining some have lost jobs because of the global crisis affecting the economy. There is a need to advocate for long-term measures that will provide solutions by implementing strategies that will ensure the public school charges do not rise above a standard minimum (Bourn et al.). The government, for instance, can offer subsidiaries to the public schools to facilitate delivery of the service at a minimum cost.
The parents do not know about the implications of not putting their children in school at the right age because they also have not attended school. The teachers should spend most of the time to educate the society on the role of education and how it develops the child. Most of the challenges society face is because the majority of people are ignorant and it is easy for a few individuals to manipulate them and hence make wrong choices that affect everyone (Henningfeld 42). Promoting learning equates to a better society where most people have privileges and the ability to leave a productive and happy life.

The Benefits of Education.
Empower the children.
Education increases the confidence of the child. If a child is intelligent, they will make right choices in life. They will have the ability to defend right from wrong because they can reason. In a world where resources are scarce learning is a necessity for the youngsters if the parents want them to live quality lives in the future. Many are successful with talent, but they also require wisdom to manage the gains from expertise. Emphasizing on learning help the children to present themselves proficiently in the future when seeking career positions that match their skills (Bourn et al.). The self-esteem is raised, and it helps them to stand in society and confront the challenges, for instance, those affecting the girl or boy child.
Improvement of technology.
Advances in medicine, war gear, innovation are conceivable because of constant investigation and research. Individuals of the current age convey the investigation. They could do as such because of their instruction and learning about the past innovation. Since, they knew how the previous strategies function, they could investigate more. Individuals with advanced education in science, arithmetic and innovation can do this. Indeed, even discoveries and revelations are distributed in magazines and diaries to achieve the majority. This spread is conceivable because the masses are knowledgeable (Henningfeld 43). Without instruction, they couldn't read or comprehend the innovative enhancements. Once understood, they can strive for more significant improvement.

Transfer of knowledge.
Exchange of information from one age to another or from nation to another is conceivable by instruction. For instance, Newton's laws which initially came to the logical world in 1700 are still instructed in schools and universities through books and educators. These fundamental laws can be spread to help people acquire wisdom that is relevant in the modern society. So also, the history of nations and the world can be disclosed to the present community. Learning makes the student to gain from the past mix-ups and encounters (White 515). Accordingly, the instruction is a crucial strategy to pass information of the past to the general population of the present.
Better Social harmony.
Education is the route to which individuals of various societies, religions; factions meet up amid tutoring, school and so on. Along these lines, it encourages them to comprehend about each other better and remains in general congruity. In this manner, the instruction can enhance social congruity. In a society where the majority of people come from a different cultural background, differences are expected. It requires people who have the wisdom to compromise the differences and initiate discussions that will eliminate the fear and anxiety (White 515). If humans were not in a position to solve the disputes affecting the majority of the people could be dead by now. It can lead to an increase in hate and rivalry among people hence generate warfare.
Opportunity to make a decent livelihood.
Training gives an opportunity for everyone to accomplish in life. One can take up work in the field, they have trained in and therefore have the opportunity to obtain income from work. Many individuals are in the middle or lower income categories, and they manage to live better lives because they acquire skills in school that help them to make informed choices. They can also meet specialized aptitudes required to find in a high pay employments (Henningfeld). A portion of the expert training courses incorporates pharmaceutical, building, law and so forth. Subsequently, training can ensure a superior way of life.
Capacity to serve the general public.
Education additionally has helped increase the number of people who have different skills and abilities, for instance, the engineers, educators and so forth. To give administrations to such an immense populace of the world, we require numerous restorative and different specialists. By education, we can produce the skilled workforce. It will prompt better well-being and furthermore change in the way of life.
Research problem.
The United States has schools in every neighborhood. Despite the fact, the literacy levels vary from one place to another. The factors attributing to these include poverty and the literacy level of the parents. The majority of the children are neglected in the streets because their parents are under the influence of drugs. It is a problem, and the statistics for the number of children not attending school is on the rise. The research aims to educate the society about the role of education and how it can be used as a tool to improve the quality of life (White 515). It will also explain why adequate measures need to be put in place to resolve the problems by creating awareness in society
The research questions derived from the study.
1. How can education be used to improve the quality of life?
2. Why is there a difference in perceptions between the literate and literate in society?
3. What are the factors that contribute to the increase in literacy levels?

The information examined.
The other factors that influence learning are determined by race and culture. For instance, America has many different cultures, and in some, they do not value education for women, and in those communities, the girls end up not attending school or drop out at an early age. There is a need to create awareness as everyone deserves an opportunity and it can help to make better choices in life (White 515). The research finding indicates how it improves the quality of life. All people should, therefore, support it to create a society that has people who have skills to solve the problems.
Learning is a necessity, and every child deserves the right to obtain an education, even if the parents cannot pay school fees. Many schools are available, and many organizations are willing to fund the children, but they lack a platform. The society needs to come together to establish a foundation that will support the vulnerable children and give them better lives in the future(White 515). The resources are scarce, but if put well into use the available can be used to make a difference. The management of the schools can make it happen by partnering with the parents and the community.
Education, therefore, contributes significantly to the society and there is a need for everyone who has had the opportunity to go to school to support initiatives that will promote learning and improve the quality of life. There is a need for a combined effort as few individuals may not reach a large population in the society. The non-governmental and also public school should reach out to the community to ensure everyone gets the right education. That way the literacy levels will rise, and everyone will have a chance to live a quality life.

Work cited.
White, John. "The Role Of Policy In Philosophy Of Education: An Argument And An Illustration." Journal of Philosophy of Education 46.4 (2012): 503-515. Web.
As per John, The article comprises of a general segment taking a gander at changes since the 1960s in the connections between knowledge and strategy making, trailed by a particular area participating in topical approach evaluate. The recorded contention asserts that approach contribution was significantly more far reaching in our subject before the mid-1980s than it has been from that point forward, and examines different explanations behind this change. The second segment is a nearby examination of the Expert Panel's December 2011 suggestions on the eventual fate of the English National Curriculum.
Bourn, Douglas et al. Development Education. London: Institute of Education Press, 2012. Print.
Accourding to Bourn, the Institute of Education, close by numerous different colleges in the UK, been taking a gander at its internationalization system, how its courses, research and general help to understudies can mirror the globalized idea of the world inside which we are currently contemplating. Thus a site has been created to exhibit cases of training both inside IOE and different organizations in the UK and somewhere else on the planet. An element of this site is to represent the degree to which courses are 'comprehensive' and assess the necessities, methodologies and encounters of progressively wide and globally understudy accomplices.
Henningfeld, Diane Andrews. Education. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Print.
Accordng to Henningfield, Education and experience are just apiece of the "10,000 foot view" of finding a vocation. Likewise, basic? Priceless delicate aptitudes, otherwise called "employability aptitudes," which pass on that not exclusively do you have the learning you require, yet in addition the capacity to effectively apply that information in the work environment. Procuring these abilities can be troublesome, however, in light of the fact that they can't be educated in a customary sense doesn't mean they can't be scholarly. The employers are searching for skill, alongside tips for adding them to your resume.

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