Robert Karl, Social Worker

I interviewed MR. Robert Karl

I interviewed MR. Robert Karl who is a social worker at his place of work. I started by asking him about his profession and informed that he was a social worker expert and held a bachelor’s degree. He has been working for Elder Service Corporation Agency (ESCA).

Description of the Social Work Agency

I then asked him to describe the social work agency he was working for. According to Robert, the agency deals with all forms of social work which involved helping families, individuals and groups to cope with challenges in order to improve their patient’s lives. In addition, he outlined that being a social worker is challenging but rewarding and requires an individual to have several skills such as, active listening, critical thinking, coordination and proper decision making.

Mission of the Agency

I then asked him about the mission of the agency where he stated it as transforming lives through providing excellent social services. Robert noted that the agency had a clientele of approximately 2,000 people of which a majority were the elderly.

Responsibilities of Social Workers

He continued to explain that the social workers responsibilities involved; identifying families at risk, building effective client relationships, conducting home visits, collaborating with treatment teams and providing case management services.

Recruitment Process and Opportunities

I later asked him how he became employed at the social agency. He explained that the position was advertised on the print media, he applied and an interview was conducted. The basic starting salary for a social worker is approximately $1000 (Bailey 12). When I asked him whether there are any opportunities, he said there were many chances for promotion since the number of clients was rising fast. Robert added that there was job satisfaction as long as an individual is passionate about social work.

Organizational Chart of the Agency

One other aspect of the interview where I had an interest in was the organizational chart of the agency, where Robert outlined that it was headed by a Chief executive officer assisted by two directors. Robert’s roles at the agency are applicable to the field of social work since they involve caring and providing solutions to individuals, families, and groups.

Works Cited

Bailey, Roy Victor. Radical social work. Random House Inc, 2017

Robert Karl  ([email protected])

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