Providing an unbiased education

An Impartial Education

An impartial education has many different aspects. Teachers must exhibit professionalism, patience, and courtesy. They bear a heavy burden since the ways they instruct children practically shape their psyches, and any word that is misused or denigrated can really harm a child.

Three Concepts in Education

Three definitions will be chosen, examined, and examples of how to use these methodologies in the field of education will be provided in this essay. Emotional intelligence, inclusiveness, and punishment are the three concepts.

Emotional Intelligence

The first issue is emotional intelligence. This is the ability to effectively understand the emotional sphere of human life, to understand emotions and the emotional underpinnings of relationships, to use their emotions to solve problems related to relationships and motivation. By the definition of J. Meyer (1996), this is a group of mental abilities that contribute to the comprehension and understanding of one's own emotions and the emotions of others. The ability to recognize and express emotions is the basis for generating emotions for solving specific problems that are procedural in nature. These two classes of abilities are the basis for an externally manifested ability to understand events that precede emotions and follow them. All these abilities are necessary for the internal regulation of their own emotional states and for successful influences on the external environment that lead to the regulation of not only their own but also other people's emotions. When teaching schoolchildren, emotional intelligence is a useful feature, since it can be helpful in understanding the needs of children and quick adjustment.

Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is the joint education and for children with disabilities and healthy children that do not have any restrictions (Derman-Sparks and Edwards, 2010). With inclusive education, children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom along with ordinary children. The organization of school education for such children requires the definition of the correlation between the forms of special education and integration in the general educational environment, corresponding to their special educational needs. Individualized education at home does not meet the needs of special children, and the lack of social impressions, the restriction of contacts in the familiar home environment, contributes to their secondary authorization.

Even in the hardest cases such children need a metered but regular exit from home to a more complex social environment for his development. Staying in an educational environment specially adapted for children and exclusively among such children can have a negative impact on their social development. The homogeneity of the composition of the students facilitates the creation of comfortable living conditions, the adaptation of the environment and the adaptation of teaching methods to the capabilities of children, but the unification of children with pronounced communication problems can not contribute to their social development. A special child should be able to follow patterns of adequate social behavior of other children. Inclusive education is recognized by the entire world community as the most humane and most effective.

Regulating the Educational Process

In most developed countries of Europe each school should familiarize parents of schoolchildren with their constituent documents and other materials that regulate the educational process. First of all, parents should pay attention to the charter of the educational institution. It specifies how, in what order children are admitted to school, the term of study, the procedure for assessing knowledge, and how additional services are paid. The organization of the educational process in the school is built on the basis of the curriculum, developed by it independently in accordance with an exemplary curriculum, and is regulated by the schedule of classes. Training loads of students should not exceed the norms of maximum permissible loads. Nevertheless, if a child is given something difficult, teachers cannot physically punish schoolchildren. He or she cannot morally humiliate students.

Punishment and Discipline

Punishment should follow any misconduct of a schoolchild, for example, incorrect behavior, bad treatment of classmates or a teacher. However, even in this case the teacher summons the parents of the apprenticed schoolboy to school. Nevertheless, corporal punishment exists in civilized Europe. In particular, in Britain in 2011, the Conservative Party of the country decided to return corporal punishment to the school (O'Grady and Sheldrick, 2011). It was motivated by the fact that the young generation of Britons completely disengaged and did not recognize any authority. In fact, the right to smack children is not used much by British teachers, but it is better not to anger them. In some states of the USA (Georgia, for instance) corporal punishment still exists. However, in most cases, the most terrible punishment is the removal of the student from school. At the same time, parents are obliged to go with the student at a therapist's course in order to understand the reasons for his bad behavior.


Derman-Sparks, L. and Edwards, J. O. (2010). “Anti-Bias Education For Young Children and Ourselves”.Washington, DC : National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Mayer, J. and Geher, G. (1996) “Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion”. Intelligence, vol. 22 (2), pp. 89-114.

O’Grady, S. and Sheldrick, G. (2011). “Schools Told to Bring Back Caning”. Sunday Express. Retrieved from Accessed on 14 October, 2017.

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