Procedure on how to Change Oil in a Car.

Very few individuals are aware of the mechanism that powers a car's motion from point A to point B. In actuality, the majority of people are drawn to a car's exterior features, such as its color, size, shape, internal design, and wheels. The engine, which is powered by fuel such as LPG auto gas, diesel, or petrol based on the type of car engine, is actually the most potent component of a vehicle. Electric vehicles are likely to become the norm on the road in the future in an attempt to protect the environment by lowering air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust fumes. Cars require maintenance and one of them involves changing the oil. Most car owners have no idea of how to go about the undertaking leaving them with no option than to consult a mechanic. Other than placing the right foot on the brake pedal and pushing it down, starting the car by inserting the key and turning it clockwise and selecting gears, it is important to understand the routine maintenance of a vehicle to promote its effectiveness. A procedure on how to change the oil of a car will help a person save time and money which could have been used to pay a mechanic.

The engine is located under the hood of a car. Most cars have the engine on the front side of the car while some car models have engines at the back. It is important to note that changing the oil of a car is a dirty undertaking particularly to ladies and thus should not be undertaken when one has acquired a fresh manicure to avoid ruining the good job done on the nails. On the bright side, the activity is quite handy, and this can help a person achieve toned arms.

Oil change refers to removing oil from the engine and replacing it with fresh and clean oil. The undertaking also involves changing the oil filter. As stated earlier, the engine is the most powerful part of a car and it consists of various parts which move and rub against each other when a vehicle is in motion (Juchli). Oil allows for lubrication when the many engine parts rub against one another. When the oil is used for a long period, it becomes subject to wear and this causes it to break. To maintain the effectiveness of a car engine, it is important that oil changes occur before the oil breaks. A five step procedure for changing oil will help a person know more about a car; the various parts of an engine and also help the potential mechanic connect with the vehicle.

Step 1- Jack the vehicle. The engine is left on for three to four minutes to warm up the oil. Again, the engine should not run for long to prevent the oil from heating up as this can result in a burn while draining. In case the engine runs for like an hour, give it time to cool down. The car should be parked on a level ground and a parking brake applied on the wheel. The car is then jacked on one side. Though it has been mentioned that the engine is housed in the bonnet, when it comes to oil change, draining oil is done from the bottom of the engine, that is, a person has to go under the vehicle. Jack stands should be placed on the respective points to support the vehicle (Juchli). A drain pan or a container where the drained oil will be collected should be placed below the engine.

Step 2- Drain oil. Here, certain equipment are needed such as rubber gloves and a wrench. To avoid coming into contact with the oil and other dirt, wear the rubber gloves. Open the bonnet, locate the oil cap on the engine, and remove it. Place the removed cap on a suitable location where one can locate it with ease. Move to the underneath of the car to locate the oil pan. Locate the flat metal pan which is found close to the engine; the engine looks like a box. Once the flat metal pan is identified, the engine drain plug is then located. In a counter clockwise motion and using a wrench, remove the oil plug (Juchli). The activity can be likened to opening the tap, once opened it is expected that water will flow out in a gush. Therefore, the drain pan should be placed strategically to collect the oil. Once the oil plug is removed, oil pours out into the pan. Patiently wait for all the oil to drain. Afterwards, wipe the surface with a cloth and replace the washer on the plug before putting it back, similar to closing a tap. Using a wrench tighten the oil plug back to its place to prevent it from falling off which can result in an oil spill.

Step 3- Replace oil filter. The necessary equipment for this step are a new oil filter, an oil filter remover, and new oil. The location of a filter on a vehicle is dependent on the model of a car. The filter resembles a mug-like-container but without the handles. Remember the drain pan from step two, where the oil from the oil pan was collected? Move the drain pan beneath the filter to collect more oil. Try unscrewing the oil filter by the use of the hand and if this proves difficult, employ an oil filter remover to ease the process. Drain any oil that may be trapped inside the filter. Take the new oil filter on one hand and using the free hand, dip two fingers into the new oil, and on the gasket ring of the filter smear the oil. Smearing the oil creates a sealant on the new filter and this makes it easy to remove the equipment when next a change is desired. Put the new filter to its position, that is, where the old one was removed from, and screw it back properly and tightly being careful not to break it.

Step 4- Put new oil in engine (Juchli). Open the car bonnet and locate the fill hole, the fill hole is the place where the oil cap was removed in step two. Pour the new oil into the fill hole by holding the spout of the bottle to prevent the oil from bubbling. Remember the suitable location the oil cap was placed after it was removed in step two? Find the cap and replace it on the fill cap. Once this is done, look around for any spillages particularly from beneath the vehicle and tighten the loose ends. Move to the driver's seat and start the engine, look out for the oil pressure light and ensure that it goes off once the engine starts. Turn off the vehicle and check the levels of the oil by the use of the dipstick.

Step 5- Dispose old oil. Put the oil in a container and seal it and then dispose off in appropriate places preferably, oil collection areas.

Work Cited

Juchli, Bernard. "How to Change Your Car's Motor Oil and Filter | Mobil™ Motor Oils." Mobil 1™ and Mobil Super™ Motor Oil and Synthetic Motor Oil | Mobil™ Motor Oils,

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