Pregnancy and the Zika Virus

The Zika Virus and Its Impact

The Zika virus is a flavivirus (a type of virus that infects cells and tissues). It is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito, Aedes aegypti. It affects mainly people in Africa and Asia, but it has been spreading in some parts of the world for years.

Effects on Pregnant Women and Babies

It is a serious health problem in pregnant women and can cause birth defects, such as microcephaly and other brain problems. It also can increase the risk of other health problems for the baby.

Symptoms and Complications

Infection with ZIKV is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito and is most often mild or self-limited, although some cases can be severe. Symptoms include fever, joint pain, red eyes, and rash. A baby who is infected with ZIKV may be born with microcephaly, a deformed head and skull. It can also cause a number of other serious problems for the baby, such as congenital heart disease and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Prevention and Testing

The virus is spread by mosquitoes and can infect the skin of pregnant women. It is not known how to prevent Zika infection, but if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, you should talk with your doctor about testing for the virus before or during pregnancy and avoiding travel to areas where Zika is active.

Several prenatal tests can be used to test for the Zika virus. These tests include blood and urine testing, and ultrasounds of the fetus. They are not recommended for all pregnant women.

Treatment and Diagnosis

If your doctor finds that you have Zika, they will recommend taking certain medicines to help with the symptoms of the virus. They will also advise you about safe ways to avoid mosquitoes while traveling.

Your doctor might also order a full physical exam of your body and ask about any other conditions that might put you at greater risk of getting Zika. If you have a history of a fever, muscle or joint aches, red eyes, sore throat, headache or swelling in your face or hands, your doctor might order blood and urine tests to check for the virus. They may also refer you to a maternal-fetal medicine or infectious disease specialist with expertise in pregnancy management.

Additional Diagnostic Methods

You can also have a special test called amniocentesis, to check for the virus in the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby in the womb. This is not done often, but can help detect if the baby is at risk for a Zika-related birth defect.

Another way to diagnose the Zika virus is to look at the skin under the microscope. This is not done often, but can be helpful if you have had a fever, rash, or other symptoms of the virus. If you have a history of autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes or lupus, your doctor might want to do a biopsy of the skin or lymph node to check for the virus.

Importance of Testing Before Pregnancy

Since many of the signs and symptoms of Zika virus occur during the first few weeks of pregnancy, it is important to get tested before becoming pregnant. This can make it easier for doctors to diagnose the virus before you become pregnant and give your baby the best care.

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