Philosophy of the mind

A broad variety of behavioral and neurological processes are discussed by the theory of the mind. Philosophers have answered this, emphasizing the importance of the mind/brain personality hypothesis. The philosophy of mind/brain orientation is investigated, with explanations taken from the Philosophical Theory of the Mind. Many philosophers, going back to Aristotle, have studied the elusive inner workings of the human psyche. The highlights of our study will be dualism and eliminative materialism, in which we will focus on the fact that science discovers and defines the origins of our mental states. Evidence on this philosophy is drawn from neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics to probe a deeper understanding of the mind. Transhumanism concept is attached to the mind/brain identity theory concept. Transhumanism is the ability of humans reaching another level of development and increased brain capacity by the use of human-made technology and robotics. Lucy, 2014 film movie, is about a woman starring Scarlett Johansson as Lucy who unlocked 100% potential of her human brain power. It is claimed that an average human uses up to 10% of brain power. In the beginning, Lucy is a dimwitted party girl. When persuaded to deliver a mysterious package to an unknown businessperson by her boyfriend, there is a twist of events as she turns into a being with superhuman mental powers. The synthetic drug causes mind-bending and enlarging properties. Lucy can perceive things from mortality to her lifestyle in which she chooses to ignore. As the movie progresses, Lucy’s cerebral capacity increases. She can control TVs miles away, immune to pain and fear, extreme agility, perfect marksmanship and instantaneous reflexes.The Theory of the Mind and Mind/Brain Theory ExplainedThe try thought experiments to explore the philosophy of the mind include the Brain in a Vat experiment that assumes that the feedback from the body is essential to forming of the mind. J.J.C. Smart's argument is based on the fact that the sensations and state of consciousness are explicable in physical terms. This means that there is nothing beyond our body response that is beyond brain processes. Taking the case of Lucy in the movie which while in captivity, she is beaten up by the guard on the stomach right at the place where the drugs she had swallowed are. Her body responded when the CPH4 is released into her body. The drug makes her self-esteem rise and instantly enhances her physical and mental capabilities. Feedback is drawn from the drugs in her bloodstream for the transformation to take place.Lucy is about humanity reaching the highest divinities of knowledge using science and technology. The drug is created by humans and ties transhumanist philosophy of human evolution through science and technology to the mind/brain theory. Transhumanism is primarily advocated by having humans reaching another stage away from the average not through natural evolution instead through scientific advancement to enter the untapped possibilities of the mind (Citizen).Transhumanists share the belief that future humans will be radically advanced in intelligence with desirable elective body characteristics. Materialism (physicalism) as referred to by Kurzweil of humans being the essential material in which we are made of that is an ordered collection of molecules, chemicals and electromagnetic forces (Schneider). Transhumanism connects this with the Computational Theory of the mind where the mind is a program whose hardware is the brain that computes configuration by use of fragments of neural circuits and substances. Material transcendence of the character Lucy is by the help of the drugs. The working of the CPH4 is the reason for her hyper-intelligence and exuding medical knowledge. As she gets to a hospital, interrupting a surgical procedure and gets herself to an aesthetic free operation, the doctor removes the CPH4. Without the drugs, in her system, she gets back to a calm lady who even calls her mom and overwhelmed with gratitude and love for her parents. A small amount of the CPH4 leads to Lucy witnessing remarkable paranormal abilities (Reyburn).In addition to this, materialism is correct on mind/brain theory where thoughts are realized in material systems. Besson's reliance on the fact that humans have vast reserves of gray matter sitting in place awaiting summoning into action is what he bases his brain capacity idea in the film. Despite criticism of the notion that commonly humans use 10% of their brains, scientists will agree to the idea that our brains cognitive performance can be boosted. This in line with the movie as Lucy’s cognition is enhanced by drugs. Cognitive-enhancing drugs are available in the drug stores that improve a person’s ability to focus.Simon Baron-Cohen describes the concept of Theory of the mind as the ability to infer the full range of mental states which include desires, intentions, and beliefs, emotions that prompts one to action. It describes the possibility of one to understand what is going in another person’s mind (Rudy). Lucy tells her mom on the phone that she can ‘feel everything’ when undergoing the operation. It is not in perspective of what is being done to her rather the details of full cognizing of everything that her mother and father did for her. Lucy’s mind starts doing amazing things, her perceptions of things are heightened. She senses information patterns, senses people’s bodies to be being able to diagnose their illnesses by just touch. This explicitly indicates the abilities of humans to understand fellow being without direct communication support of the theory of having the mind explored to its full potential. In support of the mind/brain Identity theory, eliminative materialism has been viewed as what will determine if the theory collapses or not. Eliminative materialism advocates for science to identify the causes of mental states with the assumption that science will discover what these mental states are (Palmer). The Human 2.0 pictured in the film, Lucy, is seen to be of artificial intelligence whose advancement to the higher level was through the help of science. She is a sociopathic robot lady who advances gradually to 100% brain power. At the dingy cell when she was kicked, and the drugs seep through her body, her cerebral capacity begin to echolocate (Reyburn).Functionalism in mind/brain identity theory is that the mind is a system whose states and processes is associated with their causal relations to behavior (Smart). Philosophers like Lewis and Jackson and Pargetter and Prior view functionalism as a path towards identity theory. Support of these claims can be drawn from the film whereby Lucy whose brain capacity improves and seems to be more and more of a machine. The new personality of her develops her morality which includes cruelty and pessimism. Her less human nature nullifies her compassion and gratitude with the more information. Her identity and perception of self-has significantly changed. She escapes from the captives and interrupts a surgical procedure killing the patient without any feelings of empathy as it would be for an average human trail of emotions.Dualism states that there are two forms of reality with none of the two being reducible to the other. Two spheres are presented of the human nature are presented the spiritual and material. Critical understanding of the film brings out the picture of the two factors in play. Apart from the cognition of the main character in the play, Lucy, to bring out the philosophy of the mind, there is the theory of religion. Philosophy of religion can be interpreted by the film where Luciferian is evidenced.Luciferian philosophy is based on the fact that humans ascend to divinity and become like gods by human working. This is in line with the philosophy of religion whereby the view of the divine power of God is differed by different human notions. Transhumanism appears as the high-tech version of this theory. The symbolic meaning of the movie is a representation of the occult elite. Lucy’s evolution represents the characteristics of the occult elite which includes controlling people and advancing her aims despite human suffering (Citizen).ConclusionThe film Lucy 2014 is built on various philosophical ideas which might be viewed as a scientific fallacy. Philosophical ideas presented can be appreciated by those who understand the notions presented. The central theme being on the development of the human brain forms the basis of the Philosophy of the Mind developing the mind/brain identity theory at a more explicit angle.ReferencesCitizen, The Vigilant. "Lucy":A Movie About Luciferian Philosophy. 13 February 2015. .Palmer, Donald. Does the Center Hold? An Introduction to Western Philosophy. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2013.Reyburn, Duncan. Lucy and Philosophy. 27 October 2014.Rudy, Lisa Jo. Do Children With Autism Understand What Others Think or Feel? 29 June 2017. .Schneider, Susan. Future Minds: Transhumanism, Cognitive Enhancement and the Nature of Persons. Pennsylvania, 7 January 2008.Smart, J.J.C. The Mind/Brain Identity Theory. 1 February 2017. .References.

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