Human Resource Issue: Outsourcing In the realm of human resources, outsourcing is currently one of the contentious topics. Without the need to acquire new permanent employees, outsourcing occurs when a company employs qualified people in accordance with the contract. Because the specialists who are outsourced can perform tasks that are not typical in a company, outsourcing is essential.
P. Jeong-Eun and R. M. Morgan (2017). Managing Customer Relationship Management: Marketing and Organizational Learning Outsourcing. 10.15577/jmt.2017.04.01.3 Journal Of Marketing Thought, 4(1), 27–44
According to the article, firms should utilize outsourcing to assist assure efficiency given the intense competition in today's business contexts. The Journal states that some of the significant roles in organizations which have been outsourced include customer relationship management, Research and development and other central departments in an organization. However, the author majorly focuses on the outsourcing of customer relationship management. The Journal notes that despite the positive impacts which come along with outsourcing, severe negative consequences may also be witnessed as big losses may occur in the process. The article examines the contribution of outsourcing in marketing.

The article covers the role of outsourcing in marketing sufficiently. Through clear explanations and examples, the role of outsourcing in marketing organizational products is realized. The article is not biased as in spite of putting a major focus on the positive contributions of outsourcing to marketing; it also highlights the fact that outsourcing may fail organizations leading to loses. However, the article fails to acknowledge the fact that despite outsourcing being one of the major contributors to the success or failure of an organization, other factors should also be considered.

Letica, M. (2016). THE EFFECT OF OUTSOURCING ACTIVITIES SELECTION ON THE BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 21(2), 77-97.

The article stresses that it is not all the activities in an organization that should be outsourced. Letica states that the activities or roles qualifying for outsourcing must meet certain criteria. It is important to decide well on which activities to be outsourced in an organization so that the decisions lead to profits. The journal, therefore, seeks to investigate whether the selection criteria of the functions outsourced has an impact on the importance of outsourcing to an organization. According to a survey conducted in this journal, no connection between the criteria of selecting outsourcing roles and the impact of outsourcing.

The paper efficiently examines the relationship between the selection of outsourcing activities and the benefits of outsourcing. The study majorly depends on primary data hence correct inferences are drawn from the research. The information is also reliable since the author refers to the studies conducted by earlier scholars on the field.

Becker, M. C., & Zirpoli, F. (2017). How to Avoid Innovation Competence Loss in R&D Outsourcing. California Management Review, 59(2), 24-44. Doi: 10.1177/0008125617697941

The article discusses the benefits of outsourcing in companies which develop complex products. According to Becker and Zirpoli, outsourcing is significant to firms as it reduces cost and enables organizations to access new knowledge. The article also notes that despite the advantages which come along with outsourcing, it can have negative consequences since it denies individuals in the company a chance to become competent through practice. However, the journal offers insights on how outsourcing research and development can be used while avoiding lack of competence by the organization’s employees.

The article sufficiently covers the topic through explaining and providing practical case studies. It explores both the positive and negative implications of implementing research and development in organizations. However, the article majorly focuses on the adverse effects of such an implementation rather than putting much weight on the positive side of the matter. Despite this, the article stresses that it is necessary for leaders of organizations to adopt outsourcing strategy. According to the ideas in the article leaders are left with the freedom of choosing whether to implement R& D outsourcing or not.


Becker, M. C., & Zirpoli, F. (2017). How to Avoid Innovation Competence Loss in R&D Outsourcing. California Management Review, 59(2), 24-44. Doi: 10.1177/0008125617697941

Jeong-Eun, P., & Morgan, R. M. (2017). Outsourcing Marketing and Organizational Learning: Managing Customer Relationship Management. Journal Of Marketing Thought, 4(1), 27-44. doi:10.15577/jmt.2017.04.01.3

Letica, M. (2016). THE EFFECT OF OUTSOURCING ACTIVITIES SELECTION ON THE BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 21(2), 77-97.

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