Opioid Addiction in America

The U.S. Health Department is having a challenge of the consequences caused by the abuse of opioids. The Health Department has tried several measures to prevent the misuse of drugs by formulating a coordinated technique in fighting addiction among users, evaluating the local and state public health programs, and reducing deaths that result from a drug overdose. According to CDC statistics, approximately 2.1 million Americans are experiencing opioid addiction disorder (Clarke, Alexis and Richard 43). It is time the whole system gets concerned with the crisis to find a solution to the drug abuse challenges. All arms and levels of the government have the responsibility of dealing with the menace as explained in this paper.

            According to research, approximately 80% of the beneficiaries of the Medicaid program who are receiving treatment through the use of opioid dosage are showing signs of opioid disorder (Califf, Janet, and Stephen 1482). According to Califf, Janet, and Stephen (1482), taking a high-dosage of the drug above is equal to the use of 120mg of morphine every day for about three months. The government and providers have also ensured increased access to drug overdose-reversal treatment and other medication-assisted healthcare. However, such approaches have not helped in solving the crisis.        

            There are two competing resolutions to the opioid crisis. The first one involves the provision of training sessions for doctors and nurses concerning treatment, management of pain, and addiction (Califf, Janet, and Stephen 1481). Secondly, the government can avail resources that help communities to fight the crisis at the grassroots. However, the best solution would be the second option where the government assists communities in combating the menace at the local levels.

            The different levels of the government have a role to play in ensuring a better healthcare. For instance, the Federal level of government needs to address the issue of opioid usage by making it a top priority in the healthcare system. The Federal government can provide resources and full expertise in the war against opioid addiction (McArthur 156). States also must fight the crisis by running drug monitoring activity, focus on regulating the use of controlled drugs, licensed nurses and doctors, and respond when there is an outbreak of drug overdose. Lastly, the local governments also understand the challenges that the epidemic has caused to the society. They must organize campaigns to raise awareness about the disorder caused by opioid use.

            Regarding the arms of the government, the Judiciary can organize an initiative that can address drug addiction in the society. An example is Maureen O’Connor’s RJOI that belongs to the Ohio State (Gellad, Chester, and David 611). The judiciary can also support a broad-based community program and promote quick treatment access. The Executive can organize a summit to discuss overdose prevention, similar to what Governor Cooper recently did. The convention can assist in the provision of an action plan for fighting the challenge. Lastly, the Legislature can promote the use of drugs that antagonize opioid addiction such as Naloxone (Greberman and Kiyoshi 32). The body can also provide immunity when a victim of overdose calls for help from the government. Lastly, they can make laws that limit the reliance on opioids.

            In conclusion, there should be restrictions put on the usage of opioids and any other prescription drug. The educational programs at the grassroots can help in fighting opioid addiction and misuse. The government can also avail resources for purchasing naloxone and other overdose prevention remedies for healthcare providers.

Works Cited

Califf, Robert M., Janet Woodcock, and Stephen Ostroff. "A proactive response to prescription     opioid abuse." New England Journal of Medicine 374.15 (2016): 1480-1485.

Clarke, Janice L., Alexis Skoufalos, and Richard Scranton. "The American opioid epidemic:        population health implications and potential solutions. Report from the National          Stakeholder Panel." Population health management 19.S1 (2016): S-1.

Gellad, Walid F., Chester B. Good, and David J. Shulkin. "Addressing the opioid epidemic in the           United States: lessons from the Department of Veterans Affairs." JAMA internal         medicine 177.5 (2017): 611-612.

Greberman, Sharyn Bowman, and Kiyoshi Wada. "Social and legal factors related to drug abuse       in the United States and Japan." Public health reports 109.6 (1994): 731.

McArthur, Morag. "Pushing the drug debate: The media's role in policy reform." Australian     Journal of Social Issues 34.2 (1999): 149-165.

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