Negative Effects of Baldness

Baldness is the male pattern of hair damage and loss experienced by all men to some degree as they grow older due to various factors. It is the excessive hair loss from an individual’s body. Hair loss affects the entire body and not only the scalp.  The condition can be brought about by hormonal variations, health disorders or genetic. People usually lose approximately one hundred strands of hair daily, but the loss goes unnoticed since growth is happening at the same time too. In particular family’s genes passed down to your generation’s expose them to higher chances of hair loss and individuals in the lineage can experience baldness from as early as twenty years of age. Men will notice significant hair loss as their age progress, twenty percent of men in their twenties will experience balding, thirty percent in their thirty and approximately fifty percent of men population in their forties. Thirty percent of men confess being stressed about hair loss every once in a while, and some whose parents live with baldness have experienced loss of sleep because of follicle distress.

Nine out of every ten men experiencing balding can blame it on family genes. The gene influence how delicate hair follicles relate to the DHT hormones which reduce them in size. As the follicles shrink in size the hair that grows back after every shave is shorter (Charlish 68). Eventually, it takes longer for the hair to sprout back was the case earlier. Male baldness manifests at the crown of an individual’s head in an indicative form. The earlier balding starts the greater the loss that will be experienced. Some individuals experience spot baldness where hair loss happens in round spots but eventually grows back. It is a body condition where the body assaults itself.  Balding happens gradually after a period of time and if an individual experience sudden hair loss it can be as a result of several factors. Medical conditions are some of the factors that might trigger hair loss; diseases such as anemia might cause hair loss. There is also cancer treatment which reduces the level of testosterone in the body.

Stress is also a major contributor of hair loss. Many men within the age of twenty to forty-five years of age are often subjected to various forms of stress and are often required to find a balance between work and family. Most men find it hard to trust and confide in someone; they are brought up believing that men are leaders and should not portray any signs of weakness (Charlish 70). This mentality prevents most of them from requesting for help when in trouble. Young men also experience work-related stress trying to meet deadline and expectations set by their supervisors. Most of them get lost in their duties and withdraw themselves from friends and family. If the stress is not managed and controlled on-time individuals might engage with unhealthy diet plans which might influence their physical, mental and emotional health.  Men in their early twenties are always seeking ways to be attractive to the opposite sex. Men who are masculine are considered attractive and to meet these standards young men indulge in activities that will help them meet those standards. Men will take anabolic steroids to help them build muscles. These steroids may be effective in aiding muscle development but also pose several health risks to the individuals. The steroids cause hormonal imbalance which might affect hormones responsible for hair growth negatively.

            A study conducted in America about individuals perception of baldness between men and women showed that fifty-four percent of women were enticed by male balding as compared to thirty-six percent of men. There is an evident discrepancy between men perception of baldness. Most men agree that baldness is attractive, but on the other hand, men who are not bald would rather retain their hair than lose it (Henss 65). However, studies have shown that men who experience baldness are socially advantaged as compared to their counterparts. In the society physical appearance such as attractiveness is essential as it can either positively or negatively influence one's career path, progress, one’s social circle and also life partners. People constantly conclude on a person’s character centered on their physical appearance. The studies proved that individuals who are considered attractive by society are ascribed an assortment of desirable qualities and are also exposed to more opportunities. Various researchers recognized that people are inclined to form a general impression and subsequently draw conclusions about the particular individual based on the initial impression. Psychically attractive people were considered more self-assured, hardworking and more content with their lives.

Negative effects

In the past male baldness was associated with weakness and was also used as a sign of castration while thick hair was associated with power and potency. Researchers suggested that half the populations of men experiencing baldness have experienced depression as a result of self-esteem issues and were perceived to be older than their actual age. This perception has seen people invest finances with the aim of reversing the process of hair loss. Men experiencing balding had their social interaction negatively affected when hair loss manifested (Kligman 110). A study showed that bald men judged themselves harshly when it comes to them being attractive. The study was testing the perception that bald men were less appealing, assured and confident.  Less than fifty percent of the participant supported the theory with a majority of them being bald men.  To men hair symbolizes virility and when losing their hair make them feel less attractive and manly. 

Women remain reserved about forming relations with a bald man. All the attributes associated with bald men who are yet to accept and embrace themselves and their condition is often the ground on which a toxic relationship is based. A man who lacks in confidence and self-esteem will have trust issues and accuse their partners of infidelity. They will often try to understand why their partners love them and it will be difficult for them to understand since they are struggling with personal self-acceptance. They will often tend to think that their partner settled for them for reasons such as financial stability. Every woman desires a man who will build her and make her better and a man who is emotionally unstable will turn them off. Most bald men struggle with depression and will tend to drag the women in their lives down the same road (Lin et al. 400). The will look down upon their partners, spotlight their weaknesses in an attempt to make themselves feel better and break their confidence so that they can feel powerful when around them. They will thrive on someone else’s suffering. Women who are also particular about the age of men they are involved with might find it hard committing to bald men. The commitment problem is because the study shows that bald men are often perceived to be four years older, and ladies might end up getting involved with younger men and realize when they have invested too much of themselves. Studies show that women are not attracted to bald men. This is because baldness is associated with old age and ladies do not find old age sexually attractive. Women have extraordinary social standings.      

Men experiencing baldness go through a range of emotions from denial, anger, depression, and anguish. They feel ashamed about what is happening to them and can be easily irritable when they receive compliments about their appearance from women. They tend to isolate themselves from people who hinder them from developing any relations with the opposite sex.  In the past Freudians argued that a man’s hair was equivalent to his reproductive organs. These beliefs affected the confidence of men who were undergoing baldness because they were forced to question their manhood. Loss of hair was considered equivalent to castration. Bald men were not considered as sensual challengers. This view influenced women attraction to balding men negatively. They considered bald men as powerless and weakly and would not like to form sexual relations with them. Fear was also installed in those balding by the society people are more inclined to elect individuals with more hair than their opponents to government institutions and even states. Bald men played roles of fools in movies which spoke volumes when it came to women attraction. They were never cast as characters of love interest and women did not find them attractive. It made the men develop inferiority complex leading to depression.    

Women are attracted to good looking masculine men. Growing up in a society where baldness was considered a sign of old age, young men experiencing balding are shamed in a society that youthfulness is overvalued. These men are neglected by ladies their age who would rule them out as suitors for perceiving them as weak and not sexually attractive. Doctors believe that the shame that men face after hair loss can develop to a body disorder (RUSHTON et al. 190). The disorder is a syndrome that affects the way individuals perceive themselves which will, in turn, reflect their environment. If bald men do not find themselves attractive and accept their condition, then this negativity eventually catches up with people around them. Their attitude will have an impact on how people will treat them. If a man shading hair believes that they are unattractive and unpleasant, then the women around them will perceive them in the same manner.

Women are attracted to confident men.  There is nothing as an unattractive as a balding man in denial trying to mask their condition. There are no effective remedies to conceal a bald head that looks authentic.  Ladies are turned off by men who have identity issues. Studies show that if an individual act as if baldness is not an issue then it will not be a factor in which they are identified with. An individual suffering from hair loss has the power to dictate how they are perceived by society. It is evident that the negative effects of hair loss come from the point of self-doubt and confidence. An individual can enjoy life and be more content when they stop putting so much emphasis on losing their hair. The studies proved that there are more felicity and privileges that men can enjoy as they embrace balding. 

Positive effects

Not too long ago the glimmering reflecting scalps in men was a source of shame and mockery; new studies changed that view by claiming that men who were bald are leading in the scale of attraction. Hairless heads are now not only an indication of male baldness but also a fashion statement that is embraced positively around the world. Scholars conducted numerous studies on social psychological and personality discovered that loss of hair has major benefits. The research involved the rating of bald men photos against those of men with hair, based on how dominant, friendly and old the appeared to be. The results favored bald men as they were alleged to be more mature, confident, friendlier, masculine, stronger and more authoritative which are all qualities that women admire in a male partner (RUSHTON et al.192). It was also noted that this perception influenced men who were not experiencing baldness so shave their hair completely to be associated with the traits and share on the benefits when it comes to being more desirable to women.

Scientists carried out phase two of the study to see if the results would remain constant if the subjects were described to the participants instead of photos and also subjects who had different race were considered. It was concluded that race had zero impact on attractiveness and bald men were still perceived as dominant and equipped with better governance skills. The principal theory was that balding was directly related with dominance in the male species. Participants constantly ranked men who were bald or had willingly shaved their heads completely as more dominant and resilient as compared to those with thick hair. The study also suggested that men with thick hair also find their bald counterparts attractive and this is proved by their rational decision to dispense their hair. This is a nonverbal method of communication that communicates information about their behavior and their lack of confidence and self-esteem which might have been challenging to perceive. 

Men who are experiencing balding should embrace the change and stop participating in experimental treatments to help control the process. They should work on improving their confidence from within and accept themselves. A study conducted by sampling fifty women who had different preferences, age and background showed that seventy-six percent of them preferred men with smooth shinny heads. They suggested that as long as the men maintained themselves and trimmed their hair to avoid balding spots (Shahar et al. 676). Some women also stated that a man who is bald and confident in his skin and does not try to conceal his situation by use of caps or by adapting to weird hairstyles was a huge turn on for them. Women tend to believe that bald men have a higher probability to succeed in life and are therefore attracted to them. The dominant nature of bald men gives them an added advantage against their fellow men because they perform better and excel in economic negotiations.

Studies show that bald men are considered more intelligent. Baldness has been common among teachers, priests, and philosophers for years. Most of the great philosophers were bald. They included Socrates, Darwin, Napoleon and Hippocrates all went bald even after using ancient remedies such as pigeon droppings.  Some of the great minds such as Caesar adopted illusion styling as a coping mechanism where he manipulated the remaining hair in his head to cover the bald area. Bald men are also considered to have sex appeal; it is proven that their hairless scalps play a huge role in assisting them to seduce women. Baldness is associated with sex dominance; the clear head is the same as a male peacock decorative ornament. It is highly attractive to ladies.

Researchers examined why baldness is assigned positive trait despite it being perceived as an unfortunate process. Muscarella conducted a study where he involved a team of two hundred and two individuals both male and female where they were required to bald and not bald women. The study ranking was based on measures such as beauty, maturity, brain power and transparency. The results indicated that bald men were highly in intelligence, authentic, supportive and matured which women find alluring. Bald men were also viewed as less hostile. It is a sign that separates adolescents from mature men. Muscarella stated that male baldness evolved into an appeasement symbol of safe social supremacy. The study also brought to attention that the level of attractiveness reduced with an increase in the level of baldness. This did not in any way influence their chances to form a relationship with the opposite sex because unlike men women are rarely attracted to a man for his appearance but rather by his ability to provide for their needs and make them feel secure (Shahar et al. 680).  The social dominance trait of bald men is a trait that every woman would appreciate in their partner.  

Today women are particular about hereditary diseases and terminal illness in their partners’ family background. Cancer has grown its roots in the current generation attacking all without respect of age. Studies have shown that men who experience balding at a young age are less likely by forty-five percent to suffer from cancer. The improved odds of escaping the disease assure women who are particular about minimizing the chances of their partners and children to suffer from the disease.  The finding of this study is supported by the fact that prostate cancer patients are subjected to medicine that lowers their testosterone levels which is the same hormone responsible for hereditary baldness. Since theological times, hair was associated with power. Samson was drawn his strength from his hair, and when Delilah plotted against him and had him shaved, he lost his strength.


When it comes to women perception about bald men some do not mind dating a bald man, some find is sexually attractive to be involved in a relationship with a bald man and others were indifferent when it came to dating bald men.  A significant number of individuals said that baldness does not have an impact on the relationships they develop. The negative effect of baldness came from the point of denial and how the particular individuals perceived themselves. Today individuals who have a problem accepting hair loss can attend clinics and undergo counseling. These measures help individual understand that it is okay to experience hair loss and there is no problem with it. Baldness can help boost a man and assist them in progressing in life. Baldness should not be a source of shame, and the individuals should embrace the process positively and avoid concealing its manifestation. Baldness has become acceptable and has been embraced as a source of power. This is evident in movies where bald men play leading roles in action movies where their characters portray them as masculine, intelligent and friendly. The high social status is portrayed by figures such as Santa Claus being bald. He is friendly and contributes to happiness and is also used to pass messages of discipline and rewards.

Although baldness is associated with several advantages for men concerning female attraction most bald men and women do not think that baldness would play a key role in their relationship, they believe that relationship is based on an individual’s personality. The study sample sizes were not significant to draw reliable conclusions about how the general women population perceives bald men. The crucial key to coping with emotions associated with hair loss is developing the right attitude. Individuals are more than their hair concentration, and everyone should feel happy about their appearance. 

Works Cited

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