Cross Senior Care conducted a needs assessment to determine the needs of the surrounding community and how best to improve the services offered at the Nursing Facility ("Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources", 2018). The needs assessment is based on a primary research conducted with the residents of the region in each of the ten cities that provide CSC services. The intent of the research was to understand the overall needs of the community, the nature of the services provided at our Nursing Facility, and any gaps that might exist between the two.
According to Rouda and Kusy (2018), the steps involved in conducting a needs assessment include the following; first, I would perform a gap analysis and this entails checking the performance of the organization and those working there against the set standards. Second, from the first analysis, I should examine the needs identified and their importance to the organization (Rouda " Kusy, 2018). The third step involves the identification of causes of performance problems or opportunities and this requires a deep investigation of people within the organization. Lastly, I should identify all the possible solutions to the problems and opportunities for growth of the organization (Rouda " Kusy, 2018).
Stakeholders in a Needs Assessment
In any business enterprise, a stakeholder is those people that have an interest in the success of the organization. In our needs assessment, the stakeholders that I would contact are the nurses, patients, administrators, departmental managers, family members whose loved ones are admitted in the facility, the referring physician, and interest groups around which the nursing facility thrives ("Cross Senior Care", 2018). The following is the stakeholder survey used during the research.
Cross Senior Services Survey- Stakeholder Consultation
Thank you for taking your time to complete the survey. The results of the survey will be used to improve the services at Cross Senior Care a nursing facility that caters to your health needs. The answers to this questions are confidential.
1. Please tell us in which City you live (tick against the name)
Dania Beach
Lake Worth
Port St Joe
2. The name of the person Completing the Survey
3. What is your age
4. What is your Gender
5. Which are some of the needs that you have at our Nursing facility
Access to Dental health Information
Access to Nutrition information
Adult care services
Legal Help
Others ______________________
6. How professionally did the staff serve you?
Extremely Professional
Slightly Professional
Very Professional
Not at all Professional
Moderately Professional
7. During your stay at the Nursing Facility, how clean were the rooms kept
Extremely Clean
Slightly Clean
Very Clean
Not at all Clean
Moderately Clean
8. How did the Nurses and Doctors explain things to you in ways that you understood
Majority of the times
Once in a while
9. Would you choose this facility in the near future?
If No Why______________________________
10. How likely are you to recommend this Nursing Facility to Others?
Extremely Likely
Slightly Likely
Very Likely
Not at all
The justification for Each Question
The survey’s major aim is to collect information about the services offered at the nursing facility. The stakeholder’s city, name, age, and gender are some of the primary information needed to identify the respondent. Question five motive is to identify the needs of the respondent with what is offered at the facility. The other questions investigate the respondent's overall view of our staff and the facility and through which we can use to improve the services offered ("Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources", 2018). The rationale behind the questions is coming up with questions that make it easier for the respondent to come up with meaningful answers. By clustering the shareholders according to their common needs, then I can manage to reduce the list to a manageable length and this can increase efficiency and my efforts in meeting the needs of each group. As a result, nurses, patients, administrators, departmental managers, family members whose loved ones are admitted to the facility, the referring physician, and interest groups would all complete the survey ("Cross Senior Care", 2018).
Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources | Section 7. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys | Main Section | Community Tool Box. (2018). Retrieved from
Cross Senior Care. (2018). Retrieved from
Rouda, R., " Kusy, M. (2018). Needs Assessment. Retrieved from