Mysticism and spirituality

This trait is used in the artworks in a mystical or holy manner. One can infer a wide range of experiential phenomena from the four arts. The subjects in Temptation are thought to be spiritual, and the painting's use of the topic of gravity neutralization attempts to convey this idea. A cross is being carried by the man in front of the horse, who is pointing it in the animal's general direction. The structures in the background appear to defy gravity because they hang there with almost little support. In comparison, Astral Body Awake by Mati Klarwein expresses consciousness, inspiration, and wisdom as well spirituality in a rather blasphemous way (Kush 19).

The artist based his belief around psychedelic experiencing. In this context, it is considered as a way to communicate with the realm spirits. He employed the use of religious art as depicted by the moon rays, angelic creatures in the background and landscapes. In contrast, Nature of mind demonstrates theme of genuine spirituality as illustrated from his explanation on why he created the painting. Alex Grey drew this complex seven-stage painting based on an introduction to a human’s true nature, how we embody the truth and reentering the society (Grey 12). In the painting Faces of a Pineapple by Vladimir Kush, is a representation of the weary faces of pickers of celestial/heavenly fruits. It could also represent the faces of angels who are depicted by surrealists as superheroes (Kush 19).

Highly Contrasting Colors and Kaleidoscopic-Like Patterns

Astral Body Awake embraced the use of contrasting and complementary colors. The sea is blue while the most conspicuous section of the painting is the woman painted in a series of colors ranging from red, pink, violet, yellow and patches of blue. Just like the two painting s discussed in this paper, this piece makes use of bright and highly contrasting colors. The paintings also provide a visual depiction of kaleidoscopic-like patterns. Nature of the mind employs the use blue background and yellow reflections; a depiction of classic surrealism (Grey 21). In Faces of a Pineapple by Vladimir Kush, the art contains a pair of colors produce strong contrasting and complementary colors, due the striking color brush. The background of the painting is rather misty, the edges and the patches are all drawn in green, grey and brown (Kush 10). The pineapple is painted in the center and it is depicted as it has been placed laterally. The contrast between this painting and the rest is that it is painted in dark colors. Similarly, temptation employs the use of darker colors but in a rather complementary manner. The colors used are brown (humans), white, grey and gold.

Use of metaphorical Realism (Surrealism)

Metaphorical realism entails exploration of unconsciousness and willingness to depict images with perverse sexuality and sometimes violence. To begin with, the Temptation is depicted with elephants carrying a statue of a nude woman holding her breasts. Combination of a nude and disembodied female torso is a representation of metaphoric realism. The painting is a definite expression of surrealism as explained by the golden cup of desire that the woman is holding. The atmosphere in the painting seeks to express its erotic and perverse nature. Similarly, Astral Body Awake is drawn in a rather erotic nature. The woman in the background is nude as well as the ‘angel’ drawn above her head. Their similarity is elaborated by the perverse nature of the paintings (Muldoon 234). In contrast, surrealism is used in Nature of human mind and Faces of an Apple but the difference is that there is no use of perverse images (Grey 34). Rather, they employ the use of random images. The artist in Nature of the mind aim at exploring the inner workings of the mind, especially from the viewer’s point of view. In Face of an Apple, the background is painted with random images, a classic surrealism feature (Kush 12). On observing the art, one is awed by sought psychoanalysis that is applied in coming up with the painting. It aims at digging up repressed feelings or create work that prompts its audience to think.

Use of Symbolism to depict distinct themes

In the Temptation, symbolism is depicted by the elephants carrying the woman and inside the suspended castle, there is another faceless and nude woman. In this context the objects being carried are symbolic and they represent temptation; hence the title of the painting. Astral Body Awake is drawn with a pictorial representation of landscapes as well as mindscape. Essentially, the painting seeks to deliver the theme of recognizing our true nature of mind, which is symbolic with the infinite capacity for reflection in the mirror. A typical human mind is dualistic and it would be caught in the reflections by judging what to like and what to dislike. The human mind would be charged by minute and inconsequential matters as shown by the extended lines from the center of the painting. More so in Alex Grey’s Nature of human mind, there are numerous vajra symbols throughout the panels painted. The Vajra is found in winged guises. In Faces of an Apple, the fruits represents wary or smiling human faces.

Theme of Association

Association technique is a way of associating thoughts and images with one another; despite their difference. This is a contrasting theme because all paintings are compared their distinct images depending on the motive of the artist. Among the four arts, the following are drawn on the basis of association: In the painting The Temptation of Saint Anthony, the painting is an iconography associated with Saint Anthony (as illustrated by the naked man in the painting). In fact, the audience for the canvas are expected to understand that the horse is a representation of strength and power. More so, the elephants carrying the castle are associated with the Obelisk in Bernini, Rome. The second and third buildings are associated with the Palladioan architecture in Venice, Italy. The distinct nature of the image is illustrated by the man and how he is associated with the power of the horse. This provides a link between the horse, elephants, nude woman and the man stroking the cross. The theme of association is also depicted in Alex Grey’s painting on The Nature of Human Mind. The image is a seven-stage painting which is associated with buildings that Tibetan Buddhist teachings takes place (Grey 60). Not only does this painting represent spiritualism but also inspirations of the vision of the human mind. Similarly, the use of juxtaposition is illustrated in Astral Body Awake. It means that if a subject is morbid, would remain physically incapacitated due to deficiency in movement mechanisms (Muldoon 234). This brings about the concept of a projected astral body. In Vladimir Kush’s painting, it is rather absurd to relate a human face with fruits of a pineapple. The element of juxtaposition and association has been employed in this painting to enable the viewer to decode the intended message (Kush 19). It is used as a potent tool to reflect all things that are beautiful or horrible.


Among the four arts, most of the viewer’s cannot give a solid answer on what exactly is happening in the painting or what message does the painting aims to seek to deliver. Common and contrasting themes demonstrated by the paintings include the element of surrealism, spirituality, metaphoric properties and symbolism. A common theme is that 4 works depict is a strong color palette, ornate lettering and swirls such as those in Victorian influences.

Works Cited

Dalí, Salvador, and Robert Descharnes. Salvador Dali. New York: Abrams, 2015. Print.

Grey, Alex. Nature of Mind. Berkeley, Calif: North Atlantic Books, 2006. Print.

Kush, Vladimir. Metaphorical Journey. Place of publication not identified: V. Kush, 2002. Print.

Muldoon, Sylvan J, and Hereward Carrington. The Projection of the Astral Body. York Beach, Me: S. Weiser, 1973. Print.

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