My Political Party

The Republican and the Democrats are the two political parties that dominate the United States political system. However other thirds parties exist. They argue that they contest so as to change the lives of fellow Americans. Winning is a priority for them. Since the winner takes all system in the US the parties and the runners-up positions don’t get anything in return for contesting in elections. In this case, I have always had a wish to be involved in United States politics. A situation whereby I can be able to form my own political party with objectives and goals that will better the lives of the U.S citizens. In this essay, I will discuss my political party, its name, and logo and its platform.

Party Name and Logo

The commoner’s party is the name of my party. The name basically stands for all average citizens. The party’s symbol is a dove which should signify peace and love.

Party Platform

My party advocates for issues in the social, domestic, and foreign platforms. Its manifesto is to oppose all forms of discrimination in regards to one’s color or race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender. My party also pushes for equal rights between women and men. My party believes in treating every citizen with dignity and respect as we are all humans. we are all entitled to our opinions and we should be able to live freely in our country hence the party aims to uphold all laws that support this and push for new laws that will prevent discrimination and uphold the rights everyone equally.

My party is an ideological party, this means that its members are brought together by a particular set of beliefs that aim at changing people’s lives.

Social Issues

My party aims to take major stands against social issues such as gender equality and freedom from discrimination. Even though major steps have been undertaken by the US government to ensure equal rights are given to both men and women, gender equality continues to be a big issue for most. On the issue of discrimination especially in regards to race, religion, rights of LGBT individuals and marriage, the party aims to provide a platform that will enable people who are discriminated to have a voice and get assistance. Hence it’s the parties’ goal to work tirelessly to ensure the common citizens are not faced with such and are able to live in a state that cares.

Domestic Issues

The states domestic issues are dealt with by domestic policies. This is the management choices that are directly connected to the nation’s activities and issues. My party will push for better funding for minority groups, push for funding for women empowerment, and LGBT individuals. This will ensure that there is enough money to support the citizens facing discrimination and to support women who have undergone discrimination so they can support themselves and help in the fight against this problems. This can be achieved if the funding they get is utilized well. My party will also create employment opportunities for LGBT persons, women and minority races in the US.

Foreign Policy

Also known as foreign affairs or relations. This is a state’s own strategies in regards to protecting its interests and achieving its goals in regards to their international relations. On this issue, my party advocates for unilateralism. It also advocates for foreign aid restriction to ensure the nation’s immigration and national security interests are upheld. It is my parties’ view that security should be taken seriously. This will lower criminal acts and terrorism since migration will have been curbed. Security in the state will improve.


In my view, my party is well suited to fight for the rights of everyone and ensuring equal rights for all. It’s also well prepared to fight discrimination on all fronts whether it’s on the basis of sex or race. My parties foreign policies will ensure all citizens are secure hence making the state a secure place where everyone is able to exist peacefully in its boundaries.

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