Management of Conflict between Full-time and Part-time Employees

Poor Relations between Employees

Poor relations between employees can result in high turnover regardless of good pay given to the employees. The HR manager has established that there is a conflict between the full- time employees and part-time employees. There are various reasons that would explain the existing conflict between the employees. Employees forced to work on certain shifts could result in conflicts between employees. It would an effect of employees segregating themselves into groups of shifts they work in as it is a common belief that people who work together understand their issues (Gatlin et al. 2002). Permanent shifts would also cause a conflict between the two teams. Research shows that some people consider permanent night groups to be unhealthy while others dispute the claim (Croucher et al. 2017). Management would claim that there are difficulties experienced like product quality and disciplinary problems.

Poor Communication among Employees

Poor communication among the employees could create a conflict between the employees due to their limited interactions. The difference in working hours does not create an opportunity for different- time working employees to interact. It would, therefore, cause conflicts amongst them as they have not to build any work relationships (Ringstad 2005, p.310). Poor communication is also evident when the full-time employees complain about the inefficiency of the night shift employees when they are only asked about it by the HR. They do not submit their issues as they occur. The difference in personalities amongst employees can also cause conflict between the two groups of employees. Straightforward employees from one group would openly speak their minds even during inappropriate times and offend employees with different personalities in the other group. The aspect of group teams can be solid to maintain a conflict from the other group in support of their teammates (Maravelas 2005, p.37).

Superiority Complex among Employees

Superiority complex among the employees could also result in conflicts among the different teams. It is evident by the mockery done by the full-time employees who claim that the night shift team are hopeless. Full-time employees feel like they are the only people who get things done in the company. They do not give little appreciation for the night shift workers. It would, therefore, cause a rift between the two teams. The night shift manager's friendly relationship with his employees has created a non- serious impression to his employees. The effects have become noticeable to the Human Resource Manager, the full- time workers, and the store employees. The working relations between the full- time and part-time employees have also been realized to be tense as they do not correlate well in the company. It is noticeable by how they do not share their free hours together and the full- time workers make ill comments about the part-time employees. The Human Resource Manager has however deduced that the main problem lies in the part-time employees' team. The night shift manager, therefore, needs to take measures to resolve the matters brought across (Jordan and Troth 2004). The manager also needs to ask for his team's input before making final decisions.

Improving Employee Relations

Good employee relations require the manager to have a strong dialogue with their teams, to involve them in strategic decisions making. He should consult them on the reasons for conflict with the full- time employees and receive their insights on the way forward. The laxity in their work performance can be rectified by the manager giving targets to all the employees. He should also strategies on rewarding best-performed employees to increase their morale. It will resolve the conflict of the full- time employees claiming that the night- shift employees underperform (Lipsky et al. 2016). The manager should also propose to have a training program for his employees on ways of achieving minimal wastages as they work. It will improve their work relations with the store employees who work towards achieving minimum wastages in the company. The manager should also delegate responsibilities to the employees for full accountability of work conducted. The manager should propose occasional rotation of employees between the day and night shift employees to help employees to interact with each other and learn more (Liddle 2017, p.13). The night shift manager can also propose training forums where the night shift and full-time employees work and relate together to break the communication barrier.

Creating a Healthy Working Environment

The night shift manager should also inquire if his team feels overloaded by work to find out if more employees are required to complete the job thoroughly and provide a conducive working environment. Disciplinary actions should also be taken up to employees who do not follow the set rules and regulations for effective accountability. Teamwork and adhering to set values and principles should also be trained to all employees to provide a healthy working environment (Saundry et al. 2016).


CROUCHER, S. M., LEWANDOWSKA-TOMASZCZYK, B., & WILSON, P. A. (2017). Conflict, mediated message, and group dynamics: intersections of communication.

Gatlin, J., Wysocki, A.F. and Kepner, K., 2002. Understanding conflict in the workplace. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, EDIS.

Jordan, P.J. and Troth, A.C., 2004. Managing emotions during team problem solving: Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Human performance, 17(2), pp.195-218.

LIDDLE, D. (2017). Managing conflict: a practical guide to resolution in the workplace.

LIPSKY, D. B., AVGAR, A. C., LAMARE, J. R., GOLLAN, P., & LEWIN, D. (2016). Managing and resolving workplace conflict.

MARAVELAS, A. (2005). How to reduce workplace conflict and stress: how leaders and their employees can protect their sanity and productivity from tension and turf wars. Franklin Lakes,

Ringstad, R., 2005. Conflict in the workplace: Social workers as victims and perpetrators. Social work, 50(4), pp.305-313.

SAUNDRY, R., LATREILLE, P. L., & ASHMAN, I. (2016). Reframing resolution: innovation and change in the management of workplace conflict.

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