Lottery Addiction Essay

Ariyabuddhiphongs. V. Lottery Gambling: A Review. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Springer Science+Business Media, Retrieved on 30th April 2010; 1-79

Credentials of the Author

The author of the review article is V. Ariyabuddhiphongs. The author uses survey questionnaire to provide evidence on why people buy lotteries, and the predictor of lottery participation. Besides, the author provides conclusion on the level of addictiveness to lottery based on other reviewed articles and results of the survey questionnaire.

Summary of the Article

The article provides a comprehensive review of the reasons why people engage in lottery, the cognitive theory of gambling, the addictive level of gambling, and best predictor of the lottery purchases. The main argument of the article is that youths form the largest proportion of lottery players, while parents’ lottery participation is the best predictor of lottery purchases. Besides, the articles opposes the claim that big lottery wins tends to ruin the lives of the winners, as it presents a view that big lottery wins improves the lives of the winners as they are well prepared. Besides, the articles sets out distinctive features of the article which include low probability of winning, and low pay-out ratio (approximately 50%) (Ariyabuddhiphongs, p.23). Besides, players of lottery games fails to exercise rationality as they only consider the rational belief after gambling. The primary motivations of gambling include; the desire to win the money, enjoyment, and the feeling of luck. Loss of control on lottery gambling is described as the major cause of addictiveness. The author uses psychological variables such as motivations, norms, and attitudes as well as demographic variables which include age, gender, and education to derive evidence in supporting his claims.

Response to Key Quotations

‘‘If you bought a ticket every day from birth and lived to be 100 it would take you 383 life times to win a lotto (Ariyabuddhiphongs, p. 34).’’ The phrase suggests that chances of winning a lottery are very minimal as it can take player years before he wins a bet. “The poor are the leading patrons of gambling (Ariyabuddhiphongs, p. 13).” The phrase suggests that the poor or the low income earners have high participation in gambling as compared to other social classes.

Usefulness of the Article

The article is of great importance as it provides more literature on the gambling behavior and perceptions such as the high rate of lottery participation among the low income earners. The article also brings new claims that the parents’ lottery participation has the greatest influence on the rates of purchasing the tickets by the youths. Besides, the article provides answers to the research question that lottery gambling is influenced by desire to win the money and feeling of luck. Also, there is present of a contrary claim that there is no correlation between the level of education and the rate of lottery participation.

The important keywords used by the author include; adolescent lottery gambling, lottery gambling, and lotteries’ potential addictiveness.

Charles T. Clotfelter, Philip J. Cook, Julie A. Edell " Marian Moore. State Lotteries at the

Turn of the Century: Report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission. Duke University Press, 1999; 1-51

Credentials of the Author

The authors of the article are Charles T. Clotfelter, Philliopp J. Cook, Julie A. Edell and Marian Moore, all from Duke University. The article is a reliable source for examining the topic as the authors provides clear information on lottery and gambling based on the respondents of the survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Corporation (NORC). Besides, the authors use reliable articles to support their conclusions on the gambling behavior and perceptions. Also, the article provides a history of lottery and gambling in United States and summarizes data using tables for easier analysis and comparison.

Summary of the Article

According to the authors, majority of the players have a perception that there is limited chances of winning; the rate of participation decreases as ones moves up the ladder of education category, and also low income earners participate more in lottery games as compared to high income earners. The finding of the survey findings indicated that those who did not complete high school have higher participation in lottery as compared to college graduates. Besides, adults with a household income of more than $50,000 tend to spend less in lottery games as compared to those with household income of less than $50,000. Adults who participate in lottery are aware of the limited chances of winning. 63 percent of the survey respondents were of the view that the payout rate of their lottery ticket price is 25 percent or less (Charles, Philip, Julie " Marian, p.34). Only 7.5 percent of the respondents believed that lottery was generous to the players as they set out the average payout rate as 79 percent.

Response to Key Quotations

“Only a small percentage of players have an exaggerated notion of the lottery generosity (Charles, Philip, Julie " Marian, p.21).” Majority of the players are aware that there is no guarantee of winning the bet while only a few believe that they lottery is fair game where one is bound to win. The aspect elaborates on the fact that players are aware that winning is by chance. “The rate of losing is more as compared to rate of winning among the lottery players (Charles, Philip, Julie " Marian, p.9).” Majority of the lottery players’ end up losing their bets and only a small percentage wins. The phrase explains on the way lottery system works where only a few are set to win in order for the agency to make profits.

Usefulness of the Article

The article brings about knowledge on the rate of lottery participation whereby majority of the players are low income earners while the minority are high income earners. The article is a significant source of information on the research topic (lottery) as provide thorough analysis of data and literature relating to gambling behavior in different states. Besides, the articles support the claim that people belonging to lower education category tend to participate more in lottery as compared those in higher categories. Also, the article supports the notion that majority of the lottery players are aware that there are limited chances of winning as the games are not generous and there is no guarantee of winning.

The key words used in the article include; commercial gambling, state lotteries, and non-lottery states.

Kaplan, Roy. H. Lottery Winners: The Myth and Reality. Journal of Gambling Behavior,

Human Sciences Press, Vol. 3(3): 2003: 168-178

Credentials of the Author

The author of the article is Roy Kaplan H, a Ph. D holder. The author undertakes a study to evaluate the accuracy of popular myths and stereotypes about lottery and winners. The author obtains evidence by administering a questionnaire to 567 lottery winners in 12 states.

Summary of the Article

The main point presented in the article is that players who hold psychologically and financially rewarding jobs are continue with their jobs despite their lottery wins. On the contrary, lottery participants holding low-paying skilled and unskilled jobs have the greatest chances of quitting their jobs after winning the lottery. Besides, the article presents a claim that lottery winners spend the money according as they are secure, well-adjusted, and happy from the whole experience. The article presents opposing evidence on the myth that majority of lottery winners are working class and poor. According to the findings from the survey questionnaire, lottery winners belong to all socio-economic backgrounds (Kaplan, p.172). Besides, there presented in the article stating that highest percentage of lottery winners are males, and winners have completed high school. The article further presents a claim that opposes the myth that lottery winners resigns from their jobs, as according to the survey findings only 23 percent of the million dollar winners quit their job. The author uses previous studies and findings of the survey questionnaire to support his claims.

Response to Key Quotations

“Winners are happy about their lives and families and winning enhances their marriages as it relieves financial stress (Kaplan, p.170).” The statement elaborates that lottery winning fosters success of the winners through cohesiveness in marriages and reduction in domestic violence, as the money fosters happiness for the family. “Winners are a diverse of people who come from a variety of social and economic background (Kaplan, p.168).” The phrase demonstrates that members of different social classes ranging from low, middle, and high class player the lottery gambling.

Usefulness of the Article

The article forms a crucial source of information for the research topic as it presents evidence regarding the myth and stereotype regarding lottery. The article provides information that supports the claim that winning improves the lives of the winners. Besides, it offers new information that lottery winners have access to level of education such as high school and college education among others. The evidence increase understanding on the lottery behavior concerning participants and more particularly the winners. Also, the article offers information significant evaluating lottery myths and stereotypes.

Albert C. Chen, Helio Yang, " Fred Chen. A Statistical Analysis of Popular Lottery

“Winning” Strategies. CS-BIGS 4(1): 2010; 66-72

Credentials of the Authors

The authors of the article are Albert C. Chen (Torrey Pines High School, USA), Helio Yang (San Diego State University, USA), " Fred Chen (Science Applications International Corporation, USA). The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of lottery winning strategies, and different lottery perceptions. The authors seek to test hypothesis towards addressing the research problem on the relevance of historical information on the perceptions of lottery, and performance of game strategy.

Summary of the Article

The main point presented is that all numbers are uniformly distributed therefore each number has an equal chance of winning. Thereby the lottery process of choosing lottery winners is fair and the games are generous to both the players and the owners. Besides, the article presents a claim that all playing strategies are significantly effectively as none outdo the other. Majority of the lottery players have the perception that they can win the bet based on their prediction methods (Albert, Helio, " Fred, p.67). Others have a perception that books provide the best guidance on how to win bets. People who won the lottery jackpots on their first trial believe that there are high chances of winning as they forget the countless players who lose their money each time.

Response to Key Quotations

“The research results indicate that the winning lottery numbers and the winning mega number are uniformly distributed in their respective ranges, and all numbers have an equal chance of being picked (Albert, Helio, " Fred, p.68).” The phrase communicates to the players that all numbers have equal chances of winning and winning a lottery is by chance. “It is still extremely unlikely that big winnings are produced by playing the lottery “forever” (Albert, Helio, " Fred, p.72.” The statement suggests that playing lottery many times does not guarantee a big win as winning is by luck.

Usefulness of the Article

The article is a reliable source providing significant information in exploring the research topic on lottery. The reliability of the article is based on utilization of statistical data in testing different hypothesis on perceptions and effectiveness of winning strategies. The authors use statistical tests such as ANOVA, and Chi-square to evaluate simulation results in testing hypothesis. Besides, the article provides a graphical representation of strategy performance of lottery numbers and perceptions on lottery. The article contributes to knowledge on lottery myths by providing a claim that all numbers have equal chances of winning and betting strategies have a limited role in guaranteeing a win.

The authors use key words such as strategy performance of lottery, random strategy, random picking methods, and lottery numbers.

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