Learning Life Skills in High School

Perhaps everyone wishes to live well and become useful in life. It seemed to be so beneficial in gaining basic academic skills and life skills, as they enable one to manage their lives. After spending some time in school, students are expected to face the real world (Venezia and Jaeger, 123). Learning real-life skills is an essential requirement for one to engage in real-world things effectively. In high school, students learn the basics such as arithmetic, writing, and reading equally with more skills that will enhance their adult life while working Trottier and Robitaille, (12). Generally, education prepares students for their future including; being able to engage in one's desired career and living well in the society, as well as being a productive citizen (Ayres, et al., 263). Therefore, in addition to the academic skills, students need to learn life-based skills even in high school given that some people start working after their high school course.

The advantages of learning life skills as early as in high school are especially evident in early age (Ibarraran et al., 10). A student learns how to be a resourceful and responsible adult. In the current world, people need to be independent based on the nature of technology applied. In high school, students gain valuable skills and acquire essential information, which enables them to do anything done by adults for their survival, for instance, solving problems, assembling things at home, planning personal trips, reading road maps, and understanding agreements among other things (Ayres, et al., 263). It is important to note that perfect career life is not achieved only by learning the professional skill. A lot depends on one's behavior in life and practices in the real world (Ibarraran et al., 10). Therefore, high school education is vital for all people seeking for survival in adulthood, where they are expected to apply social skills and other real-life skills.

Skills like cooking and building skills are essential, as early as during teenage life. For one to survive on his own, a person should understand how to cook a personal meal, clean the house, fix things, engaging in personal care (Weiss et al., 215). Such skills are needed being taught in high school given that in college, students are expected to control themselves and do many things on their own. Besides, students focus on being successful, smart, and having their dream jobs, which would make them financially stable (Trottier and Robitaille, 15). However, it would be a big problem if one only learns the professional skills and does not know how to support his or her family. Learning Science, S.S., ELA, and Math will not enable a person to take care of oneself and do basic things needed in their houses (Venezia and Jaeger, 123). Therefore instead of just academics, all schools, especially from high schools, should focus on life skills.

Classroom prepares one to be a professional. In most cases, graduates cannot cope under pressure, communication skills, teamwork skills, and employability skills. According to research, de Guzman, and Choi, (203), graduates do not know how to work independently and how to hand clients professionally. If preparing students for the world of work is one of the significant aims of education, it means that society has failed to accomplish its educational purpose effectively (Venezia and Jaeger, 123). The world keeps on changing and people start working while young or mostly after their high school. Hence, people need to learn the kinds of skills that will help them to cope with challenges, make effective decisions, and communicate with others and being responsible people in life (Weiss et al., 219). Therefore, skills to prioritize things, manage time, organize activities, think critically, and socialize with people are needed since high school.

Today, students start working on computers and other gadgets from their early age. Communication skills are gained through conversing, researching, reading, and being involved in discussions (Ayres, et al., 265). Besides, having a good education foundation enables a person to effectively master any task and cope with all challenges faced in adulthood. For instance, with effective critical thinking skills, a person manages to analyze experiences and information through an objective way (Trottier and Robitaille, 17). Such capabilities enable people's health because it is possible to evaluate factors influencing personal behavior and attitudes like media, peer pressure, and values, therefore making informed decisions on how to cope with all situations in life and living healthy.

In conclusion, high schools need to incorporate life skills while teaching students. Education prepares people to be successful and resourceful in their future career. Given that people start working even after finishing their high school course, learning how to be a responsible person in the society and being able to handle life effectively is vital, but such skills cannot be acquired through only learning the necessary education. Skills, such as communication skills, working well as a team, following road rules, taking personal care, and being in good relations with other people in society are vital in life. Therefore, in addition to the provision of academic-based knowledge, students in high school should be taught life skills, which would enhance their success in adulthood and when engaging in their career.

Work Cited

Ayres, Kevin Michael, Linda Mechling, and Frank J. Sansosti. "The use of mobile technologies to assist with life skills/independence of students with moderate/severe intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorders: Considerations for the future of school psychology." Psychology in the Schools 50.3 (2013): 259-271.

de Guzman, Allan B., and Kyoung Ok Choi. "The relations of employability skills to career adaptability among technical school students." Journal of Vocational Behavior 82.3 (2013): 199-207.

Ibarraran, Pablo, et al. "Life skills, employability and training for disadvantaged youth: Evidence from a randomized evaluation design." IZA Journal of Labor " Development 3.1 (2014): 10.

Trottier, Christiane, and Sophie Robitaille. "Fostering life skills development in high school and community sport: A comparative analysis of the coach’s role." Sport Psychologist 28.1 (2014): 10-21.

Venezia, Andrea, and Laura Jaeger. "Transitions from high school to college." The future of children (2013): 117-136.

Weiss, Maureen R., et al. "‘More than a game’: Impact of The First Tee life skills programme on positive youth development: Project introduction and Year 1 findings." Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health 5.2 (2013): 214-244.

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