Integrating of Business Perspectives

Any commercial endeavor is started with the intention of luring clients and expanding the clientele. One of the key factors taken into account before starting any firm is profit maximization. Starting a firm requires initial input, which includes money and a potential customer base. Additionally, the entrepreneur has a need to comprehensively address the key elements of the company and the reasons for creating it. In our case, the prototype depicts a basic outline of the commercial activities we hope to launch at the university. The prototype is an event planning template which tries to incorporate all the interests of students when it comes to party planning and event organizing. The business is also aimed at bringing about integration and cohesion among all the students including the international students. The prototype reaches out to individuals who have specially organized parties and other social events within the campus premises.

The prototype has various key features which are used to attract the attention of the customers. One of the fundamental elements of the prototype is the drawing of the glasses, the crown, and some foodstuff. These items are put there purposefully, as they attract the view of the individual even from afar (Pinson 2014, p. 46). This is a very basic marketing strategy, as it helps distract the attention of passers-by and make them yearn to learn more about the prototype. Additionally, the prototype has the main message of the event printed in block letters and bolded. Providing the main agenda of the event is also essential to attracting more clients to attend the function. The prototype also harbors the date and the time the event is scheduled to take place. Providing the time frame for the event will aid the clients in arranging the schedule to fit the anticipated period of the event. All these features highlight the main components of the prototype that will act as the central selling point of the business venture.

Through the prototype, I was able to gain some very valuable insights about advertising, event planning, and the overall marketing business. Proper planning is a useful aspect towards establishing any long-term business. A critical assessment of the client base is a key milestone, as it is the core channel through which the business will generate revenue. On the other hand, the business acts as an integrating factor, since it will help international students blend into the culture ad ways of the institution. One of the international students pointed out that incorporating the activities of the business at the university will bring swift socialization among students from different backgrounds (Lee 2011, p. 67). Marketing serves as an important pillar towards the success of any business. Adequate marketing with proper channels serves to elevate the status of the business.

Conclusively, it is true that the alignment of any business venture determines the level of the overall productivity. The company aims at generating revenue through the sale of tickets to members who wish to attend the weekly events. Creating the prototype provided me with an idea on the marketing procedures for media that I can use which include flyers, Facebook, and other online channels. When all these methods are correctly put into perspective, the business is bound to make profits in the long run.


Lee, J. (2011). The right-brain business plan: a creative, visual map for success. Novato, Calif: New World Library.

Pinson, L. (2014). Anatomy of a business plan: the step-by-step guide to building your business and securing your company’s future. Tustin, CA.

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