Humanitarian Crisis in Mexico

The Humanitarian Crisis in Veracruz, Mexico

The Mexico News Daily dated the 14th November 2018 addresses the humanitarian crisis in the port city of Veracruz in Mexico. According to the author of the newspaper, the city has had a rotten past regime in which administration oversaw corrupt dealings including mass killings of people as well as financial embezzlements.

The Extent of the Crisis

The reported missing persons according to NGOs total to 15,000 people while the cases formally opened by the government are as few as 3,600, which shows the intent by the administration to cover up for the heinous acts (Mexico News Daily, p. 1). Funds embezzled over the six-year period, 2010-2016, amount to US $16.7 million, which has rendered the state almost dysfunctional (Mexico News Daily, p. 1).

Declaration of a Humanitarian Crisis

Thus, the current administration, which will be sworn in on 1st December 2018, in conjunction with the federal government wishes to declare a humanitarian crisis in Veracruz to harness support from international institutions like the UN to help find justice for the bereaved families, bring to book the past corrupt leadership regime, as well as be able to sustain the current population.

Personal Viewpoints on the Issues

My personal view of the issues around Veracruz is that the rights of the people were not upheld by the past regime. Everyone has a right to live, a law which is universal all over the globe, and no state or individual should interfere with that.

Failing Law and Institutions

By letting the partakers in the mass killing walk scot-free, the law of the state in Mexico is depicted as a weak one, or either the institutions executing the laws are dysfunctional. Further, there is a need for the administrations in Veracruz to shun the culture of impunity and corruption for the sake of the best interest of the public.

The Quest for Justice

The quest for justice by the bereaved families, on the other hand, signifies the value they attach to life. In as much as they know they do not have a functional government system, they have kept the hope alive that justice will be served. Finally, by appealing to the international community, the incoming governor somewhat does not believe the national government can deliver justice within the state.

Work Cited

Mexico News Daily, (14th November, 2018). Retrieved from

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