How to start a hotel business

Starting My Own Hotel

Around the world, the middle class is quickly growing. Globally, there has been a remarkable increase in the population of super-rich people. The demand for goods and services rises proportionately, if not more quickly, as people's spending power increases. Despite the hotel industry's ongoing expansion, the demand for hotel services still exceeds the supply in the hotel and hospitality sector. As economic activity increases, individuals migrate farther away from their primary residences, increasing demand for hotels and other hospitality services while people are away on business. However, despite the high demand for the hotel services experienced in the contemporary society, the competition in the hotel industry is in its all-times high. Consumers of hotel services are inclined towards the preference for quality, elegance, efficiency and affordability whenever they are making the buy-decision. The competitive nature of the hotel industry coupled with rampant innovations is keeping any investor in the industry on toes to ensure that they are up to-date with the market trends and avoid falling into insolvency. Technology is the center stage in the development of a competitive, sustainable and profitable venture in the hotel industry (Kasavana, 2016).

My Hotel Business

My hotel business will kick-off with a single all-inclusive hotel complex at (insert your preferred location). My hotel business will offer catering, recreational, business, events, conference and accommodation services to the target consumers. The hotel will be composed of a restaurant with a capacity to serve hundred people at a go, 80 guest rooms, a spa, a conference hall, a bar, a swimming pool and a children’s playing ground. The different components of my hotel business will be technically separated to create convenience and accommodate the varying demands of different customers. My target market segment will be families in need of family fun-days, young adults who would want to have fun in an affordable and exquisite all inclusive hotel, travelers and businessmen in need of accommodation and catering services, and social and business organizations on retreats. The management of the business will encompass a range of functional managers with me at the top of the business organizational structure. My employees will be strictly skilled personnel recruited from a thorough screening and selection process. Competent employees will translate to quality service delivery which is the driving principle of my business. State of the art technologies will form the central focus of my hotel business as far as service delivery is concerned.

Technology in the Hotel Industry

Technology comes at a cost at any given point (Kasavana, 2016). The feasibility study of the viability of the technology system and also the indicators from the hotel industry at large depicts a big return when technology is utilized optimally. The technology in my business would cover the security system, marketing, payment, data management, communication, service delivery, bookings, and feedbacks. The technological innovations in the hotel and the hospitality industry at large are ongoing with a view of creating improvements every day. The range of technological services is diverse with varying alternatives for any given component of the hotel service offered. The distinguishing factor as far as determining a given technological alternative is concerned is the convenience and cost of the technology. The main aim of technology is the creation of efficiency. The adoption of simple technological for the ease operation and understanding by the customers of my business is key in establishing a successful business.

Security of Customers

Security of my customers is my primary concern. The use of technology in security goes a long way in reducing the number of men required in ensuring that my customers are safe and covering more details and areas that could not be unveiled by a human being. The security technological alternatives include the use of biometric systems, scanners, smart-cards and surveillance to ensure that security check-up is water-tight and that all people within my business premise are customers and not security-threat individuals (Tarlow, 2014). Some technological provisions operate concurrently to ensure that security is maintained. Admission of customers and guests into my premise will be guided by a code that will be checked in our data systems to provide the details of the customer. Once a customer has been verified, a smart-card is given to the customer that will allow the customer to access the facility and the services. The use of technology will assure the security of the customers while earning customer loyalty as security is a priority to most consumers of hotel services.

Technological Advancements in Marketing

Technological advancements have allowed the marketing of hotel products to be done conveniently and incurring lower costs (Nyheim, 2014). Technology including Google Places allows customers to rate, comment, locate and suggest a hotel facility to other consumers. Also, my business will utilize social marketing that uses social media to market my facility. A company website and the partnership with travel services providers will ensure that more customers looking for hotel facilities online and those travelling on business are made aware of my hotel and the services offered. A mobile guest app will also be part of the marketing alternatives at the disposal of my hotel business. In line with the marketing of my business services, the bookings and payment in my hotel will be technology based. A guest app can enable customers to check for the availability of space, prices and the mode of payment. In this case, my customers will be making all the inquiries online from their personal computers of mobile phones. Online booking allows the customers to book for a space, make payments electronically and be given a code that they will use to check-in into my business premise. Online booking helps in removing the inconveniences associated with manual booking including the time spent I queuing to book and the need for the physical presence of a customer to make booking. Also, electronic payment is a great support tool for the accounting and financial management in my business. Funds will be deposited directly to a bank account. The handling of cash in my business will be eliminated to create efficiency and standardize operations.

Service Automation

Service automation will be a focus in my business to enhance service delivery by use of technology. Service automation allows customers to make self-service conveniently and minimize human interactions while in my facility. The smart cards and the guest apps will aid in facilitating remote check-in options as well as remote check-out options in my facility. The reduced human interactions create convenience for customers who prefer utmost privacy (Gaol, et al, 2014). While self-service creates convenience for the customers, it is a cost-cutting tool that reduces the number of personnel required in my facility. In communication, technology is bringing a lot in the hotel industry. The location-based communication services allow customers and hotel staff to move freely and still communicate without restricting communications to the room of the guest. My customers will be able to order for services within and without their rooms at any part of the premise. Also, communication of staff will be eased as the location of the guests will be also available and known at any given time to enhance service delivery.


Technology is the main focus of all businesses globally at the moment. Multi-nationals in the hotel and hospitality industry including Marriot Inc. and Choice International Hotels are leading examples of how technology can bring forth success in the hotel business. Efficiency, cost-cutting, increased customer experience, competitiveness, customer loyalty and increased revenue are among the many advantages that accrue to a business that has ventured into the adoption of technology. Technology-based service delivery reduces human interaction in business (DiPietro, & Wang, 2010). The transactions made technologically also ease the burden of maintaining records as technological devices keep automatic records for ease of retrieval and reference. Technology is also subject to improvements as it is normally all about creating changes in the programming of the software. While the initial costs of a technology are high, the end results of a technology are desirable. Technological hardware including network cables and devices are costly to install. The maintenance costs of technology are relatively low compared to the convenience brought forth by technology. My hotel business will be successful only if it is at par with the global trends that drive the consumption of goods and services in the hotel industry.


DiPietro, R. B., & Wang, Y. R. (2010). How has the use of technology in the US hospitality industry affected human resource practices and guest satisfaction levels in the industry?: Theme editors, Robin B. DiPietro and Youcheng “Raymond” Wang. Bingley: Emerald.

Gaol, F. L., Mars, W., & Saragih, H. (2014). Management and technology in knowledge, service, tourism & hospitality. Boca Baton: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.

Nyheim, P. (2014). Technology strategies for the hospitality industry.

Kasavana, M.L., (2016) Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry (7th ed.). American Hotel & Lodging Association Educational Institute.

Tarlow, P. E. (2014). Tourism security: Strategies for effectively managing travel risk and safety. Waltham, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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