Guided Mastery

Guided mastery is an art aimed at reducing someone’s anxiety, restoring behavioral function. The guided mastery helps one to control their human functioning, end up appreciating and achieving self-efficacy (Schwarzer 47). David Kelley emphasizes that it may be brought out by being shut down by friends or relatives which makes a person to opt out thus becoming more ingrained in a problem resulting to fear of being judged.

Mastering the fear of snakes.

Kelly paid a visit to Albert Bandura and learned about the systematic approach which assisted people to overcome phobia of snakes. The creative approach to achieve confidence led one to have better interactions with the snake and even changing their mindset as they were now had more faith in themselves and a greater feeling of confidence.

Changing the experience for children getting an MRI

Children also change the experience they receive from an MRI as suggested by David Kelly. Dietz had created a solution for a pediatric patient who needed sedation. The main issue is children were terrified of the MRI machine and thus compelled Dietz to re-imagine and redesign a machine to best suited for children. Mastering anxiety helps human beings to avoid psychological disturbances (Kleinknecht 115). The redesigned machine produced a fascinating experience for the children and helped restore confidence to children and thus reduce the percentage of patients being sedated from nearly 80% to a mere 10%.

A situation that benefits from guided mastery

In this time and age where there are fast internet and advancement in technology almost everywhere in the world, guided mastery can lead to great benefits. An example is by establishing a blog where one would learn dozens of subjects that are challenging to him. That would be done by establishing good content which would lead to better academic results. Supplemental online courses have helped to feel in the gaps that existed in the early system of education (Watson 26) The content creator would simplify the basic tasks and instructions that one would follow over a period of time. Many people would be able to learn and thus overcome their challenges in learning. It is being practiced at Khan Academy where there over 100,000 problems, over 4500 online videos and real-time coaching from teachers and other kids. The process of learning thus improves and such portals are making people benefit from guided mastery.

Works Cited

Kleinknecht, Ronald A. Mastering anxiety: The nature and treatment of anxious conditions.

Springer, (2013): 111-126.

Schwarzer, Ralf. Self-efficacy: Thought control of action. Taylor " Francis (2014): 43-58.

Watson, J., et al. "Keeping pace with K-12 digital learning: An annual review of policy and

practice. Evergreen Education Group." (2014): 25-33.

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