God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood

Songs as Unifying Instruments

Songs are an effective instrument for uniting communities of people, as well as for helping them communicate shared feelings and bring them to action. In this respect, some songs appear as anthems for unique generations.

Lee Greenwood's "God Bless America"

Lee Greenwood's "God Bless America" is one such hit. This song has served as a source of solace and an anthem for the United States, particularly during times of national crisis. For decades, the song has played an important role in communicating generally expressed feelings, perceptions, and ideals that have helped establish American unity and identity.

Inspiring Patriotism

Undeniably, "God Bless America" hits all the soft spots: supporting the troops, loving your neighbor, giving it up for religion. Just as the refrain states "I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today / Cause there aren't no doubt I love this land / God Bless the USA," the song sparks patriotism amongst the citizens (Greenwood, 2017).

A Song for Various Occasions

The rousing refrain instills great nationality and patriotism amongst the citizens of the United States. "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me" (Greenwood, 2017). The song is adorned with a rousing chorus and uncontroversial feel-good message. The effect of this is evident as it has become the go-to track for political conventions, military morale-boosting, and Six Flags laser light shows. The song's been re-released multiple times to coincide with various national events, including the death of Osama Bin Laden. It has been played during every 4th of July fireworks display since 1984. During the Desert Storm in 1991, the song was played several times on the radio stations whereby it successfully helped in boosting patriotism.

Embracing Different Kinds of Life

Additionally, the song embraces different kinds of life, all of which sum up to a desirable representation of America. For instance, during the Gulf war, it fits as a war song. After the disastrous Katrina Hurricane, it stands up as a song for hope and life. In a different context such as after the 9/11, it is a national song of rebuilding and unity. The lyrics of the song go in hand with this changing kind of life. Some of the lines serve as an inspiration, comfort, and strength during all kinds of events that the United States may face as a nation. For example, "If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life, I'd thank my lucky stars to be livin' here today 'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away" (Greenwood, 2017). Further, "it's time we stand and say that" (Greenwood, 2017).

A Timeless Representation of Patriotism

In conclusion, just as the chorus emphasizes, "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood instills patriotism amidst the populace of the United States. The song is a representation of nationalism and people who love their country. This is by way of the stirring catchphrase and its embracing of the different kinds of life. Furthermore, going forward, "God Bless the USA" song will be an anthem, a song for life, hope, unity, rebuilding, war, identity, patriotism, and nationalism for generations. Its ability to accommodate different kinds of life facing America as a nation guarantees its longevity as a representation of the United States.


Greenwood, L. (2017). God Bless The U.S.A. Lyrics – Lee Greenwood. Retrieved from http://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/lee+greenwood/god+bless+the+usa_20203379.html

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