Global Inter-connectedness and Its Impacts

In this modern world, almost everything is interconnected to one another. For instance, different nations and communities will depend on each other for a better living environment which leads to inter-connectedness. Moreover, there is no country that it can entirely depend on its own for the supply of its resources. Being a part-time farmer, my contribution to the cotton exports enables foreign nations without sufficient production to get the product, thereby, making me connected and impactful on the lives of those that I do not know.

Global inter-connectedness has both positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts promote economic growth and living condition of individuals. For instance, the United States imports most of its oil from Canada and Latin America. Also, US has been sharing much of its resources to many countries like Nigeria, billions of donations were sent to Nigeria by the US government. As a result, Nigeria has turned to a powerful nation which is economically growing. Apart from countries positively relating, globalization has also led to negative impacts on other countries and communities. Additionally, various researchers that were conducted show that inequality in the worldwide market falls when developing nations enter the market, this pervasive term is of an essence to the growth of developing countries and the entire world.

Individuals sometimes feel that they cannot offer substantial impacts to the world through their actions in solving problems such as hunger and communication problems. For my case, I often provide donations through my church towards taking care of the homeless globally, and I think it helps someone from a far off country. Therefore, my efforts at work seem to have a global impact. The case of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook is another example of how ones creative idea has promoted inter-relation between people globally. As a result, individuals can freely pass information regardless of where they are. Also, M-Pesa service which was invented by a Kenyan it is now being used in Eastern Europe, South Africa, Afghanistan, and India; eased the economic activities. Furthermore, the Americans come up with PayPal which is being used globally for conducting transactions.

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