Genard: The Perfect Boyfriend

I vividly remember the day I met Genard at first sight; it was the day that I got so paranoid for reasons not well realized at the time. Conversations began, and as time passed by, I started to have the beautiful heartfelt feelings that runs down my soul. He was the angel I was always hoping to come into contact with and have as a companion. When he opened his bright eyes to look at me, I was awed by him which made me blush off. My affection for him grew immensely; he smiled sweetly as he tried to make his moves on me. Tears run down my eyes; I never knew that I would ever fall in love like that in my life. I have grown to love him extremely and what I wish for is to have him by my side to protect me from the world. In summary, to be his angel.

In addition, I like the fact that he is ambitious; it gives me joy and contentment whether I am near him or not. Not only is Genard ambitious but also generous and humble. This makes him my pillar of strength and my source of joy; in fact, my best friend. Going out with him was the most enjoyable moments I had to create sweet memories. His company was all I needed to feel at home. I have watched our love grow deeper and deeper to the point of staying under the same roof. When I come home late from work and exhausted, he is always ready to assist in house chores and any other activity that would ease my stress. I have made it precedence in my life to be there for him to support and to attend all his functions whenever necessary. In summary, to always be there for him in every moment of his life.

 In conclusion, Genard is like a gem in my life. He has revitalized each aspect of my life. I am happy to be his princess and I am grateful to have him in my life.

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