Future Scenarios of Education in the Twenty-First Century

The Future of Education in the Twenty-First Century

The future scenarios of social, economic, cultural, and even political will be determined by the contributions of the students who are at school today. Unlike before education is future-oriented hence, therefore visionary. This is because of the changes observed scientifically and technologically. Currently, we have more innovations and unlike before, changes in social-political reforms. This has resulted in more challenges socially and economically but at the same has resulted in more opportunities because of globalized cultural awakening. When thinking about learning in the twenty-first century because of the many changes experienced in the sector, innovation, technology, and research are tools that educators cannot ignore. By failing not to innovate would like repeating the mistakes the educators of the past did which would mean that education of tomorrow will be faced by the same problems. This will only put the education of the twenty-first century in peril.

Educational Innovation in the Twenty-First Century

Therefore, educational innovation will be important if research-based combined with technology. Education in the twenty-first century is about globalization and internationalization. The teachers are technologically perceptive but to be able to deal with the current generation, they have to fit the system with ICT resources both hardware and software. They should design the curriculum in such a way that it is collaborative and learner-centered such that students will find it easier to effectively relate to and respond. Teachers will need to be educated on how to effectively use technology safely because social networking needs the ability to critically think and the ability to evaluate real scenarios and genuine learning skills for validation. They must remember that the students have grown in a digital world, which is changing fast, but they easily adapt and tune out of old teaching methods like attending lectures. They prefer researching and communicating through computers or cell phones (Boholano, 2017). Therefore, networking sites are only good if the content they share is good.

Factors Driving Change in Education

There are many factors driving change in education in the twenty-first century but they can be summarized into three categories. Change in modes of teaching, change in pedagogy, and change in models of learning. Unlike the past modes of teaching, education in the twenty-first century is more personalized. It is not just about administering, evaluation, reporting, and making adjustments as you go, it is about prioritizing, identifying, and evaluating data for each student in real time. It is more precise because the teacher is able to identify data that best suits each student and then figure out a way to obtain this data and analyze it personally. That way he is able to feed a learner only what he understands (Heick, 2015). Teachers have made learning visual and beautiful such that it has meaning and is more accessible, and friendly . Classroom management has also changed in that today teachers analyze and coordinate how students interact. This has effectively reduced the scale of bullying or fighting in school because teachers are able to mobilize students within the classroom by facilitating place-based learning, for instance, digital learning, or practicing project-based learning.

Changing Modes of Teaching

Other modes of teaching that are changing are content, lesson planning, and personally knowing students. Education for the twenty-first is structured in such a way that it has more meaning because it is more integrated. Initially, it was just teaching a class, which then became standards but in the twenty-first century, these standards have been reconciled to include technology, literacy, and citizenship among many others by different organizations with good intentions such that they are uniform globally. In the case of lesson planning, the old was about managing groups, finishing class work and giving out homework. This has changed because of student interests and other changes in the community. Digital distribution and self-directed learning have provided authenticity of class work because it is easier to access the kind of information that is shared. (Heick, 2015) Teachers in the twenty-first century have personal relationships with their students, for instance, their history, place of residence and their potential instead of receiving just the class rooster like before. Because of this, there are able to understand their students and structure how they teach in the way that a learner will best understand.

Changing Pedagogy

Pedagogy has changed to be more student-focused meaning pedagogical methods are transforming and adapting well. The modalities that pedagogy has embraced include competency-based learning and application of skill and knowledge by demonstration. Other modalities include faculty development, student choice of learning, and research. With the internet, a student can choose the best way that they feel they are comfortable with while learning. This competency can be face-to-face or online (Boholano, 2017). If a student prefers online learning, the programs should be designed in a way that students can adapt and respond to depending on their strengths and weaknesses. There are companies that design adaptive learning programs for students taking their courses online. Changing pedagogy has helped schools to design faculties with distinct courses that are structured to promote students choose their mode or learning and at the same time promote research.

Digital Learning in the Twenty-First Century

There are various ways that student can finish their courses online. Firstly, the course can be designed in such a way that students receive instruction and collaboration through the World Wide Web. Secondly, they can use video streaming where courses are streamed fully through video content with several learning activities and assessments. This is advantageous because it reduces the amount a student is required to be physically in class. Substitute for video instructions includes web activity, proctored examinations, and labs. Another form of digital learning is blended learning where courses both classroom attendance and online attendance. The last is face-to-face instruction where courses have classroom attendance on a regular basis (MORRISON, 2012) which is the traditional one.

The Role of Media in Education

The internet has played a very big role in how teaching is done in the twenty-first century but other than that, there are other forms that have played a greater role in this transformative change. This includes television and radio. They provide a medium on which learning lessons are transmitted visually and through audio. While this has been a tool, effective for teaching it has raised great concerns on the content aired or said (Heick, 2015). Content for instance of violence, is a major challenge, especially to the younger learners. There exists a relationship between media content, audience response, human agency, and social culture. Therefore, the content transmitted on television and radio will have an effect on the purpose, location, and competency of learners, especially of the younger age. Television lifted the secrecy that was there between adults and children or between politicians and citizens because it brought a blur between when a child becomes an adult. Currently, it is about who knows whom and can relate with that person. However, while this remains a challenge, it can be overcome with a regulation of the content aired and what time. Negative movies, music, or advertisements that have adult themes should be aired when learners are not available to watch them. Parents and teachers are continually encouraged to monitor what their children are watching or listening to in order to avoid the corruption of minds (Kristinsdóttir, 2001). While this continues to be a challenge, the media opened up the world because students can learn for instance about different places without necessarily going there.

The Impact of Technology on Teaching

Technological growth has made teaching in the twenty-first century to have a new meaning. It has its advantages and disadvantages but the advantages are much greater. Today students have easy access to information courtesy of the internet. However, teachers need to help learners how to identify what is factual and fraudulent information to avoid them being misled. Changing teaching methods, which attract collaboration between teachers and students whether preparing group projects or exams, motivate them to be good citizens even after their studies. New learning methodologies help the learners to reach their potential, explore what they have learned therefore bringing out the creativity in them because they are allowed to take risks and learn from them. Ease of learning by embracing virtual classes has increased the learning communities (Paladhi, 2017). Teachers and students all over the world can communicate ideas and have successful attitudes. These learning communities, as well as enhance communication between different cultures and time zones, therefore, they build positive attitudes regardless of gender, political affiliations, or social standings.

Global Connectivity and Education

Global connectivity has made people learn about other people, their language, and their culture. This has helped in expanding communication skills because different people are talking together without being in the same place. Students do not have to attend classrooms like in the traditional way because they are more adaptable to technological change. It has helped by making the world smaller but while it is effective, traditional face-to-face mode of interaction will always have its place. That is why educators and students of the twenty-first century from all over the world hold annual conferences to review and develop best practices for education. They do this by holding seminars, presentations, and research-based strategies to be able to keep up with changing trends socially, politically, economically, culturally, and technologically.


Boholano, H. (2017). SMART SOCIAL NETWORKING: 21st CENTURY TEACHING   AND    LEARNING SKILLS ,Research in Pedagogy, 7(1), 21-29.

Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1149146.pdf

Heick, T. (2015). How Teaching Is Changing: 15 Challenges For The 21st Century Teacher.          Retrieved from https://www.teachthought.com/the-future-of-learning/how-teaching-is-      changing/

Kristinsdóttir, S. (2001). Social factors of learning and educational

Retrieved from http://mennta.hi.is/starfsfolk/solrunb/socfac.htm

MORRISON, D. (2012). Can

College Students Have it All – Learn When, Where and How They        Want?.

Retrieved from https://onlinelearninginsights.wordpress.com/2012/10/20/can-college-           students-have-it-all-learn-when-where-and-how-they-want/

Paladhi, S. (2017). 10 Factors That Affect 21st Century Education’s Longevity.

Retrieved from http://edtechreview.in/news/2849-factors-21st-century-education-       technology

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