One of three novellas released in 1990 in Japan under the title Diving Pool by Yoko Ogawa is titled Dormitory. (McHugh 2). The tale makes use of a number of literary devices, including imagery and magic realism. A literary technique known as magic realism entails incorporating fantastic or mythical elements...
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Magical realism is a kind of narrative literature that incorporates a variety of subtly diverse notions that incorporate magical elements into real-world occurrences (López-Calvo 12). Fables, myths, and allegory that combine supernatural characteristics portrayed in a real-world setting are also included in magical realism. South America was the birthplace of...
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The combination of realistic and mystical aspects The combination of realistic and mystical aspects is known as magical realism. A woman working patchwork in Tokyo waits for her husband in Sweden to settle so she may join him there in Ogawa's dormitory. She is lonely and has no desire to travel...
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Magical Realism Magical Realism is the art of enthralling something that would be impossible to believe in today's world. It's not like the magical children's novel, where everything is shocking, extraordinary, and overdone. Instead, magical realism helps magic seem more otherworldly and commonplace. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel One Hundred Years of...
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