Domestic Terrorism and Extremist Groups

The study's goal is to examine the present threat posed by extremist groups to national and international security. The article focuses on militant and diplomatic responses to cross-border terror acts. The research focuses on two known and lethal terror organizations, Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The study focuses on Al-Qaeda and ISIS's...

Words: 3158

Pages: 12

A terrorist organization

A political movement that employs terror as a tool to further its objectives is known as a terrorist group. A group of two or more people, whether organized or not, who engage in terrorist acts directly or indirectly make up the structure. According to Corporation (2013), terrorism is the deliberate...

Words: 1571

Pages: 6


Terrorism is a global issue that many countries are concerned about. Terror groups are thought to arise as rebel organizations or people against a specific country or culture (Pras et al., 2016). Terrorists instill fear by attacking and killing innocent civilians. There are various terror groups operating across the continent....

Words: 1041

Pages: 4

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