Essays on History of The United States

Similarities of BLM/ NFL Protests to the Civil Rights Movements

Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) in America is associated with the constant push that is a result of black activism which can also be related to the NFL protests by African American players. The activities of BLM have raised the question of where the tendency stands regarding the understanding of...

Words: 473

Pages: 2

Women and the Right to Vote in The American Political Culture

Authored in 2006, the book by Shafritz and Lee presented a compilation of different incidents documentations of incidents that shaped the American political culture. Historical events such as the right to privacy, desegregating the schools, civil rights, Kennedy-Nixon TV debate among others provided the American history with political shaping incidents...

Words: 1327

Pages: 5

The Impact of The Conservative Resurgence on America

`           Franklin Roosevelt and his liberal democratic party were thought of as the saviors of the economy in the United States. Nevertheless, liberals in the late 1960s and early 1970 created economic turmoil, political instability and social excesses that resulted in a resurgence in conservative thinking. Americans became inclined to...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

Analysis of George Washington Dodge Challenger Commercial

Designers of commercial adverts strive to develop a message that connects with the target audience. The message is designed in a way that it will provoke emotional appeal among the target audience. As such, the audience will feel certain kind of connection with the advert prompting them to heed the...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

Women in the United States in the 1950s

During the Second World War, the majority of the men abandoned their family roles and adopted the responsibilities to defend the United States of America. As a result, women became the empowered heads of the family with the duties such as providing the source of livelihood for children. However, after...

Words: 538

Pages: 2

Comparison of Ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Greece and Rome Ancient Greece and Rome are countries in the Mediterranean region. During the colonial period, the interactions between the two countries were through trade in the black sea. Ancient Greece and Rome can be contrasted and compared through social, political, and economic lenses. Economic Similarities and Differences Both countries have...

Words: 302

Pages: 2

Comparison of Hurricane Katrina and 9/11

The 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina has gone into history as two of the most critical incidents to have ever occurred in the U.S. On 11th Sept 2001, AL Qaeda hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon (CBC, 2011). The incident became the most...

Words: 837

Pages: 4

The History of North Lawndale

Clyde Ross's Childhood Clyde Ross was born in 1923 near Clarksdale, Mississippi. During the 1920s, majority of the locals in Mississippi were continuously robbed of the vote, a control plotted through the deceit of the poll tax and the influence of the lynch mob. The state’s regime at the time associated...

Words: 1109

Pages: 5

Comparison of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream and Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King Junior was the most inspirational orator, preacher and thinker America has ever had. All of his writings have been analyzed to study the potential of rhetoric. His rhetoric in the two writings suit the audience in several ways. The tone of King’s writings inspired numerous activists to...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail

Introduction “The Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. was mainly written as a response to the Birmingham clergymen who published an open letter vehemently challenging and criticizing the actions of Martin Luther King and The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). However, when one further scrutinizes the contents...

Words: 1172

Pages: 5

Dorothea Dix's Contribution to the Evolution of Human Services in the United States

Dorothea Dix and her Contributions to Human Services Dorothea Lynde Dix stands out as one of the most prominent individuals who contributed significantly to the progress of human services delivery in the United States. Born in 1802 in Hampden town, Dorothea Dix's background is believed to have involved neglect by parents,...

Words: 373

Pages: 2

What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?

Frederick Douglass What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass piece What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? is a write-up wherein he pours his thoughts on how he views the celebration. Dated 5th July 1852, Douglass starts off by...

Words: 912

Pages: 4

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