Essays on Contemporary Art

The Influence of Modernity in Art

Art and Modernity in the Arts Art has always been present in the world's history with painters adopting different techniques to illustrate their visualization of various aspects of nature. Modernity has introduced a new element in the art industry with many acknowledging its presence through its application in architect, sculpture, and...

Words: 580

Pages: 3

The Impact of Non-European Art on European Modern Art

There is technically no precise definition of the term modern art thus its remains elastic accommodating different meanings. The rationale behind this assertion is that art and the world as a whole is in constant evolution which means what is considered or perceived as modern art today might not be...

Words: 1383

Pages: 6

Art for Social Criticism

Art is one of the earliest forms of human expression Artists employ color, patterns, as well as the reproduction of visual likeness in communicating emotion and interpreting the world around them. (Kay) Since the earliest days of civilization, artists have employed different methods of producing art. Thus, art is a broad...

Words: 1675

Pages: 7

The Art of Mathew Richie

Mathew Richie is arguably one of the best contemporary artists. He doubles as an architectural engineer as well as an artist. His artistic mission has been mainly to occupy the universe with his marvellous structures through impeccable visualization of sculptures. The artist’s prospects emerged from his beliefs in Judeo- Christian...

Words: 1251

Pages: 5

The Artwork of Lofa: Hunter's Tunic

The Hunter's Tunic as an Artwork The Hunter's Tunic is an artwork, which involves the face of a human being composed in the 20th century from Lofa. The mask is made up of leather, cotton, metal alloy, cotton string, animal teeth, hide, encrustation, and horns. The picture contains some enclosed human...

Words: 1009

Pages: 4

Promotion of Contemporary Art in the City of Nantes

The product described here is the free contemporary art advanced by La Machine-  a street theatre firm which has given the city of Nantes’s shipbuilding warehouses and old docks a new look. The arrival of Jean Blaise in the mid-1980s marked the beginning of art and culture promotion.  Blaise, the...

Words: 2016

Pages: 8

The Brass Family of Art by Alexander Calder

This piece of writing focuses on The Brass Family of art by Alexander Calder. He is one of the most famous and best artist in the sector of sculptors from the twentieth century. Alexander Calder was born in Pennsylvania, the United States of America in the year 1898. He was...

Words: 1767

Pages: 7

A Transitional Artist: Shahzia Sikander

Shahzia Sikander: A Contemporary Pakistani-American Artist Shahzia Sikander is a contemporary Pakistani-American artist. Currently residing in New York City, the artist was born in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1969 (McCarthy 147). However, her artistic practice constantly moves easily between the boundaries and borders, depicting her as a transitional artist with shifting identities....

Words: 345

Pages: 2

Art Theory

Art theory aims to broaden one's understanding of art or to theorize on art without using classical definitions. Art is important in society as it's through art that we preserve human culture and traditions. The society can express itself through artwork where one's message can be immortalized in a piece...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

The Concept of "Facing The Monumental" by Rebecca Belmore

Rebecca Belmore is a contemporary performance artist who is less in the visceral and puts much emphasis on poetry. Her exhibition, “Facing the Monumental”, curated at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), promotes the idea that her work has always been open-ended and non-pedantic.             Belmore’s work explores a range of...

Words: 648

Pages: 3

Contemporary African Art

Modern Art in Africa Modern art in Africa is understood to be the art that is created by the African diaspora artists as well as the artists in Africa during the post-independence era. However, the definition of this form of art is one that has recently been understood to represent post-independence...

Words: 754

Pages: 3

Comparison and Contrast of the 2017 Whitney and 2017 Venice Biennales

The 2017 Whitney Biennial and the 2017 Venice Biennale: A Comparison The 2017 Whitney Biennial is one of the most recognized events in the world as several artists tend to display their work in which people from different parts of the world tend to view. The shows are different from other...

Words: 1480

Pages: 6

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