Essays on Christianity

Religion and Personal Growth

Religion entails a set of individual beliefs and cultural systems regarding practices and behaviors such as sacred issues, supernatural being and divine nature of a particular human culture. Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are some of the most common forms of religion in the folk. Growth, on the other hand,...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

Reflection of Growth and Religion

Undoubtedly, religion guides us towards the right direction in our lives. It outlines what we should or should not do to grow. Even though some people tend to criticize religions, every person belongs to one. As long as a person has a set of beliefs, a world view, then they...

Words: 863

Pages: 4

Living a Responsible Life

Living a Responsible Life Living a responsible life is the desire of many individuals. The essential elements making up the life of a human being are authenticity, virtue, and discernment. Success in one’s life may at times require tolerance to external pressures. It entails losing close friends and incorporating others that...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

Saturation Church Planting: A Vision for 2025

The primary mode of evangelism in the world’s religions is mainly fulfilled through the establishment of worship places all over so that the words of God are transmitted to the other people in a most convincing way. In Christianity, it is believed that every word that told by Jesus is...

Words: 1040

Pages: 4

Christian Worldview

Christian worldview refers to the comprehensive understanding or view of the world from the biblical perspective. It is a framework of beliefs and ideas through which Christians interprets and interact with the world (Esqueda, 2014). A Christian's view of the world entails various distinct biblical elements, and every Christian is...


Words: 1452

Pages: 6

The Importance of Religious Worship

In the contemporary society, religion is a fundamental element. Consequently, various religious programs and groupings have emerged. Religious groups are different based on the doctrines and the strong beliefs they believe. Though not intrinsically different, religion is vital in every society as it helps instill discipline and morals. Based on...

Words: 618

Pages: 3

Thales and Xenophanes on the Nature of the World

Thales Thales, one of the earliest philosophers, argued that everything around the world is water. Suchlike arguments provoke the consideration that the world has an interior mechanism that only study and evidence can expose. Therefore, the glaring picture of the globe should grant the system to a methodical view that can...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

A Comparative Analysis of Deism And Naturalism

A worldview is the widest view that a mind is able to take of things in order to grasp or understand them together as a whole from the perspectives of some specific theology or philosophy. Indeed according to Sire (2009, pg. 18), a developed worldview provides solutions or answers to...

Words: 622

Pages: 3

The Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church

Both the Orthodox and the Catholic church are establishments of Jesus Christ from the early Christian community. According to their teachings, bishops succeeded apostles while the Pope took roles of Peter as appointed by Jesus. The Roman Empire provisions helped the spread of this religion; it had defined road networks...

Words: 646

Pages: 3

Religion and Economics

Religion has, for a long time, played a crucial role in the development of laws, public policies and the demographics of people around the world. It involves several dimensions such as commitment to the religion, participation in religious related activities, and the strength of their religious beliefs. The influence can...

Words: 1710

Pages: 7

The Theology of the Church

Different theological scholars have different opinions on theology, ranging from the definition of the term to the implications and applications of the ideologies of the concept to the church in the modern day. The conflicting views all have different impacts on the understanding of the subject. The perceptions provide a...

Words: 2260

Pages: 9

The Challenges Facing the Basilica Church Community

Basilica Catholic Church Community focuses on multiple Christianity activities that help in disseminating the canonical gospel among both converts and non-converts. We integrate modern cultures, trends as well as the values of Christians’ lives by ensuring that the challenges preventing individuals within the community to understand the bible and follow...

Words: 1067

Pages: 4

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