Essays on Caribbean

The Cay Book Review

Writing a Review of "The Cay" Writing a review of a book that focuses on survival is tough, but it's possible to write an enthralling one with The Cay. This book follows the story of a young girl who gets trapped on an island for ten years, but she survives. It's...

Words: 663

Pages: 3

Comparison and contrast between Miami and Havana.

Miami and Havana: A Comparison Miami is a port city in the United States and one of the most populated places in the country's south-eastern region. The city is well-known for its commercial and tourism appeal, as well as its location in the state of Florida. Miami first gained public recognition...

Words: 570

Pages: 3

Caribbean Island

The Biggest Place I Ever Visited: Orient Bay Beach I would deliberate that the biggest place that I ever visited was the beach when I toured Orient Bay Beach, St. Martin. The Orient Bay is determined on the French side of the island of Saint Martin found in the Caribbean islands....

Words: 471

Pages: 2

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