Essays on Animal Testing

Animal testing is a global problem that society recognized as such not long ago, so nowadays animal testing essay writing is a common assignment. Results in this regard are still insufficient. According to statistics compiled in animal testing essays, over 100 million animals are subjected to experimentation yearly, and only 3% of them survive animal testing. Compulsive research for essays on animal testing also suggests that animal testing results are often inconclusive, as the effect that was achieved on the animal may not translate the same way when treatment or product is applied to humans due to biological differences between species. Essays note that this makes animal testing unreliable, therefore extremely cruel and wasteful. Our animal testing essay samples can give you some guidelines for your work. Check out the best essay samples below.

Why Animal Testing Should Not Be Modified

Introduction Yearly, more than an estimated 115 million animals, excluding rodents, fish, amphibians, and birds, are used in laboratories during biomedical research and experimentation worldwide (Akhtar 407). The procedures may involve removing an animal\u2019s organ for experimentation, genetic manipulation, exposure to harmful radiation, forcefully feeding animals with untested substances and inhaling...

Words: 1282

Pages: 5

Animal Testing and Alternatives

Animal testing is a scientific experiment that is conducted on animals. The animals are subjected to torture, that may take the form of exposure to radiation, injections, removal of organs tissues and frightening environments. A wide variety of animals are used, especially those who are not categorized to be animals...

Words: 832

Pages: 4

Pros and Cons of Animal Drug Testing

Animals and humans have coexisted since the finding of the human species. Animals have always been used by humans for companionship, food, transportation, recreation, and athletics. But as scientific study has developed, animals have also been used in lab experiments, including drug testing. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, and birds are...

Words: 1538

Pages: 6

Animal tests

Animal studies and their significance Animal studies are laboratory experiments on live animals that cause them discomfort, anxiety, suffering, or even permanent injury. They are also used by scientists in their quest for vaccines and curative medicines. Animal research has been the topic of many debates over the years. Although some...

Words: 1108

Pages: 5

animal testing

Animal research is an experiment performed on a living animal to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of a variety of items such as medications, cosmetics, and the production of military weapons, among others. All human beings now use has been checked on animals at some point in the past to...

Words: 1479

Pages: 6

Animals Usage in Medical Research

Animals should be utilized in research. Research on animals features a history that's marred with controversy and debate, which may be a response to increasing awareness round the use of animals for research purposes. consistent with a scientific researcher’s point of view, animal research has had a crucial role in...

Words: 1733

Pages: 7

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