Formal analysis in Art History of Bowel

His concubine Azada put Bahram Gur to the test in a series of dares to demonstrate his proficiency with the bow. So, while Azada plays the harp, he uses a single arrow to pin a gazelle's ear and hoof together. The Persian epic Shahnama has a devastating epilogue at the bottom of the intestine where Azada is trampled by a camel after she criticizes the prince for his cruel deeds. According to the well-known account of the events, this lovely bowel was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. Iran is the country most responsible for its geography. It got made of stone paste medium that is polychrome in glaze and overglaze painted on the opaque monochrome glaze, which in other words refers to Mina'i. The bowel was observed to have a dimension of 9.7 * 12.6 cm in size. It has a ceramics texture in nature, and this makes it most attractive. The bowel has an accession number for easy identification from the collection. In the Bowel, Bahram Gur uses brown color along with mina'i ceramics illustrating stories from the Persian epic, the Sharnama, predating its earliest surviving illustrated manuscripts by nearly a century. The bowel is depicting an episode of Prince Bahram Gur hunting with Azada, his favorite concubine. In the episode, we are seeing Azada challenging Bahram Gur to a hunting feat, though when he succeeds, she pities the slain gazelles and reproaches him. In disbelief and anger, he tramples her under his camel's feet (Carboni, Stefano, 20). Finally, the painter of the bowl has wisely and artistically conflated two different moments into one full and attractive scene.

The arrangement of objects in the bowel at the museum has got a particular design. There is an identification number used to access different objects and layouts. Other objects that border the bowel are caskets as well as the candlestick each with a unique accession number. The objects have a title that indicates their names for this creates effectiveness while reviewing the bowel article in the catalog. Other essential information included in the inscription dated when the objects got designed, the geography of where the object gets attributed to, the medium out of which the object got made of, dimension and most importantly the classification of the objects. For instance, the bowel has got ceramics classification. The most evident sign of socio-political climate that influences the display as well as the title used in the museum is the personalities who frequently visit the museum. It is regarded to be the center of focus for high-esteemed personnel from all over the world. For that matter, the display, wall text, and the titles are designed with professionalism to match the expectation of the visitors.

Other figures and imagery used in the bowel by the artist include a band of ten riders who gets separated by birds that ring the central group of planets. Regarding these, the figures give a representation of ten periods of time which are governed by the thirty-six decans. The movement of the horses and riders moving heading in one circular direction could be presented to suggest the passage of time. Based on the Islamic faith and beliefs, the figures used in the bowel could symbolize the idea of cavalry which is an essential element of any ruler's support particularly in the Seljuq era. About the gypsum-plaster panel of an enthroned figure and his courtiers, the bowl has a got a band of data on the inside rim that consist of two enthroned men on opposite sides as well as the musicians and attendants on an inclined position towards their leader. This denotes an essential component of a mature and orderly society presided over by a wise king in a universe governed by the planets. Finally, the inscriptions on the interior rim and the exterior seemed to be fragmentary resulting from overprinting. However, the interior inscriptions convey a hopeful message accompanied with good wishes whereas the exterior inscriptions mentioned the king of the Muslims as well as more blessings.

The bowel has got brown painting alongside black marks both in the interior as well as the exterior side. The paintings portray a significant facial feature of the bowel. In the interior rim, there are beautiful pictures of horses inclining towards the front position in circular motions. The decoration on the horses is similar to that of Raiders to reduce the contrast of many colors within the design. It got observed the limited use of colors does not only make an art attractive to the viewers, but it also adds value to the created products. Expensive products have limited but distinctive colors just like those colors employed on the bowel.

There are lines of contour running in a clockwise direction. The Raiders are seen to have inclined towards their king to show the obedience and loyalty in the society. The constituents in every well-organized community are expected to give much respect to their masters. The commitment and connections are seen from the behavior of the members of the public as exhibited from the pictures in the bowel. They should bow before the king or the prince of the society. The horses are also seen moving in a circular manner following one another. The bowel has round shape with a subtle texture. It is made in a unique but unusual way to portray extraordinary experience that the artist has in the creating products (Beitrage Zu Einer et al.,156). The stars around the rim of the bowl convey significance message about the value of the bowel and the importance of the paper.

The pictures of the horses have the depiction of real and live animals running around the rim of the bowl. This illusionistic art is significant is creating an excellent outlook appearance of the bowl. The shiny and lively appearance of horses is unique in the bowl since they have a healthy and active appearance. The selection of dark brown coloration of the animals perfectly matches the color of the bowl. The artist is given many credits for having selected and painted the bowl with a lovely animal. Horses are a typically friendly domestic animal which gets widely used for transportation purposes. They get highly valued in Islamic doctrines, and when they get used for decoration purposes, they add great value and appreciation for such items.

The Raiders are painted with a unique, expensive dress designed to match the color of the horses' and some parts of the bowel. Their dress has dotted stars similar to those stars that line the rim. It is unique to see such excellent dressings that perfectly match the surrounding. The designer of the bowel has created a circular line between the stars surrounding the rim of the bowel that the Raiders found at the interior part of the bowel (Ackerman, Phyllis, 25). The stars and the Raiders are designed to form a clear pattern just like that of the planets surrounding the sun. The lines are clear and distinct just like the orbits which hold the planets around the sun. In the center of the bowel, there is a well-designed paint that resembles the sun meant to provide light for the entire part of the bowl. The facts that Raiders get portrayed leaning forward in clockwise direction provide a notion that they are likely to go around the sun which in painted at the center of the bowel. Furthermore, they get arranged in a distinct line just like the planets in the universe. The decoration that portrays the world indicates how the Muslim religion incredibly loves the nature and the stars in the universe.

In a nutshell, keeping of ornaments in special places is important for the visitors to learn and understand the culture and value of a particular religion. The bowel was carefully preserved for the next generation to view and appreciate the history of the art. The bowel was designed by skilled personnel to convey an array of messages to the visitors as well as the entire Islamic religion. It was made in a special and unique way with a combination of various skills and technique to match the intended purpose. For instance, there is a strong message in color and the texture of the bowl among other components.

In conclusion, the artist has skillfully employed illusion through the painting of horses in the interior part of the bowel. This illusion helps in creating a natural sense which is more pleasant and admirable.

Works Cited

Ackerman, Phyllis. "The Iranian Institute, New York." In Guide to the Exhibition of Persian Art. 2nd. ed. New York: The Iranian Institute, 1940. no. Gallery I, case 25J, p. 25.

"Beitrage zu Einer Geschichte der Planetendarstellungen im Orient und im Okzident." Der Islam vol. 3 (1912). pp. 151-177.

Carboni, Stefano. Following the Stars: The Zodiac in Islamic Art. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1997. no. 7, pp. 20-21, ill. (b/w).

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