Feminist Movement in the United States

The Feminist Movement, also termed as Feminism or Women’s Movement, relates to several political campaigns for reforms on a broad range of issues, including domestic violence, equal pay, reproductive rights, women’s suffrage, maternity leave, sexual violence, and sexual harassment among others (Phruksachart, 2017). In my view, there is still a need for the feminist movement in the United States. That is because the American society, especially the government, does not fully recognize that all citizens have equal rights and they should be valued equally, irrespective of their gender.

            For instance, after his inauguration as President of the United States, President Trump made his position clear that he was not with women by denying the existence of a wage gap and using various sexism words such as "Miss Piggy" and "bimbo" when addressing women (Negron-Gonzales, 2017). What that means for the United States as a country is that the country needs feminist movement now more than ever. During this time of anxiety and uncertainty about the future, America requires unconditional and real equality (Negron-Gonzales, 2017).

            Additionally, the day after President Trump assumed office, about three million women revolted across the country, marking the largest single-day protest in the United States’ history (Phruksachart, 2017). The events of such a peaceful and powerful protest made me realize just how important feminist movement is to taking Americans through the four years of President Trump’s administration with their rights still intact. It feels scary to imagine of American women losing their access to reproductive healthcare, family planning, and cancer screening services offered by Planned Parenthood. Therefore, I think there is an absolute need for feminism in the United States to help defend the rights of women.

            I consider myself a feminist. That is because I believe that all human beings, irrespective of gender, should have equal economic, social, and political rights. I also believe that people should be viewed based their capabilities and strengths as human beings, as opposed to capabilities and strengths assumed of their gender. Moreover, I believe that every individual is entitled to equal treatment, regardless of gender.


Negrón-Gonzales, G. (2017). Political Possibilities: Lessons from the Undocumented Youth Movement for Resistance to the Trump Administration. Anthropology " Education Quarterly, 48(4), 420-426. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aeq.12223

Phruksachart, M. (2017). Who will save us from the Pantsuit Nation? Reading liberal media in the age of Trump. Feminist Media Studies, 17(3), 513-516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2017.1304717

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