
Feedback from an instructor to the students in an online setting is essential when handling online classes. Feedback should be in a way that encourages conciseness, clarity, and in a sense that makes the topic understandable (Mark et al., 2005). The information from the instructor makes learning effectively in an online class because it provides feedback in the case of digital learning. Feedback provided must ensure that there is a proper connection between the reality and the presentation of the message. Giving feedback through an online program ensures that the basic principle being learned is passed in a proper manner and in a way the students can relate the digital information with the real-life situation.

            Clarity of the feedback is very essential when passing the meaning of various terminologies to the students. It implies the message is passed in a simple language which can be understood by students (McTighe " O’Connor, 2009). Simplicity improves understanding of the students and helps in developing the best link between the student and the instructor. Organization of thoughts is also important in the process of understanding the key concepts of providing feedback to the instructor to the students (Butler " Winnies, 1995). In the end, a feedback which is understandable and whose main concepts can be measured is desired in the provision of feedback. As an instructor, defining an objective which is strategic and tactical in the learning process is the key to promoting better understanding among the students. The students need to get the best knowledge and need to understand the key concepts in the process of learning (Pallof" Pratt, 2007). The short-term learning objectives also focus on the basic parameters that are to be measured by the learning process. Therefore, the end result should be tested based on the understanding of the key concepts which are passed on the feedback.

My choice to respond to how feedback should be delivered is based on the fact that there has to be a succinct communication between the instructor and the student. The main objective of students is to acquire knowledge. Therefore, the learners should acquire knowledge in the simplest way possible. The response is also based on the fact that learning requires instructor’s response and regular feedback in a manner that is easily interpreted and offer more clarity on most issues in the learning process. The choice is also guided by the ability of instructors to provide informed responses and guide the students through their works.

            Analyzing the feedback by any instructor requires an imagination of a class setting. A pseudo-class ensures that instructors have direct interaction with the students. In a real class, instructors have the opportunity to interact physically with the students and monitor their progress. However, in the case of a feedback system, the physical interaction is lost and the students lack interaction with the instructors. In such a case, the instructors can create a system where they integrate all the aspects of monitoring the students in all the circumstances. Moreover, a pseudo-class is created with the system. It implies that the feedback mirrors what has always been applied in the class system. This is promoted with the ability of the instructor to provide a system that offers clarity to the students and encourage simplicity. Thus, the response stresses the ability of the instructor to come up with a system that can give a response which is understandable to the students.


Butler, D. L., " Winne, P. H. (1995). Feedback and self-regulated learning: A theoretical

            synthesis. Review of educational research, 65(3), 245-281.

Marks, R. B., Sibley, S. D., " Arbaugh, J. B. (2005). A structural equation model of predictors

 for effective online learning. Journal of Management Education, 29(4), 531-563.

McTighe, J., " O'Connor, K. (2009). Seven practices for effective learning. Kaleidoscope:

            Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education, 174.

Palloff, R. M., " Pratt, K. (2007). Building online learning communities: Effective strategies for

            the virtual classroom. John Wiley " Sons.

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