Evidence-based training methods

Training programs refer to the programs used by organizations to help new staff better understand their roles and veteran staff to stay updated in their field. Training programs are often developed depending on the prevailing circumstances within the organization. It implies that training programs can be developed to equip new and existing staff with the required skills or to help solve a problem. In this case scenario, a problem was identified by the human resource manager that required immediate solution. As described in the scenario, the main problem identified was too many complaints received that the consultants were offending the employees at client firms. After the problem was determined, the HR manager suggested the need to develop a training program that will help address the problem.

The training program needed will primarily focus on making the consultants friendlier to the employees of the client firms. To address the request for a training program, the following steps must be involved;

Assessing the training needs and goals.

Acquiring training resources.

Developing a training schedule.

Find a professional trainer.

Communicate effectively

Develop metrics that will be used to track the progress of the training program.

Training Methods

Effective training programs can be successfully achieved by choosing the right training methods that will help the employees get rid of the identified problem. In this case scenario, the consultants had a problem of not relating well with the employees of the client firms.  Therefore, the training methods that will be chosen must be focused on improving the customer service in the consulting firms as well as improving the essential skills of the consultants. The training methods that are deemed to be necessary and effective in addressing the problem include;

Coaching/mentoring. This type of training method will help both new and existing consultants realise the essential skills that promote positive relationship and attitude when dealing with the employees of the client firms.

Role-playing. The method is considered most appropriate because it involves the senior employees acting out situations that can possibly happen in the workplace to help the consultants learn how to handle various situations before they face them on the job (Clark, 2014). It will help them understand the various ways in which they can handle the employees of the client firms to reduce the number of complaints received.

Training Schedule

1. Coaching /Mentoring Method


Training Activity

9.00am to 11.00 am

Engage in a conversation with the consultants to help determine their weaknesses

11.00 am to 1.00 pm.

Suggest the most appropriate ways of dealing various situations, especially involving the employees of the client firms.

1.00 pm.-2.00 pm

Lunch break

2.00 to 4.00 pm

Engage in discussions to help suggest ways of effectively handling such situations in the future to avoid complaints against them.

2. Role-playing method


Training Activity

9.00 to 10.00 am

Apply role-plays to shared experiences.

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Facilitators modelling a role play

2.00 pm to 4.00 p.m

Acting role plays in groups of two or three.

               The chosen training methods will certainly improve the employee performance because they are mainly focused on eliminating the weaknesses of the consultants. Coaching and mentoring training methods will help them realize their weaknesses and hence the senior employees will primarily focus on them by helping them become better consultants in terms of customer relations. In the case of role-playing training method, the experienced professional will be required to demonstrate the accepted behaviours and attitudes when dealing with the clients. The demonstration will equip the consultants with the necessary skills required for handling employees from various client firms.


Clark, R. C. (2014). Evidence-based training methods: A guide for training professionals. American Society for Training and Development.

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