Ethical Dilemma in Business

The ethical dilemma in this scenario:

The ethical dilemma in this scenario is that there is a very serious drought in California and the people of California have been requested to use less water. We sue more than two thousand five hundred gallons of water to produce our products, for instance, chicken, lettuce, beef and walnuts. This means that the drought is going to greatly affect the number of products that are produced by our company. As the company that is going to be affected, we now want to look for the options that the company can adjust for it to make use of the drought. This will help the company not to face huge loss due to the drought that will force the company to produce fewer products.

What is the alternative or possible course for the action? Identify at least three alternatives.

The first alternative is that the company can make preservation of all water sources that are available. This is very important as it will help the company to maintain its production because the company will not be affected by the drought in the future. This alternative will also not affect water usage since the water that is being used by the company is water that has been preserved. The second alternative is that the company can also stop producing burgers. This will help the people of California to have access to more water in future. The third alternative is that the cheap expenses of the government can be utilized by the company to benefit the company. This alternative is very important as it will help the company to continue providing for the people of California even in the future.

What are your recommendations? In other words, of the several alternatives identified, what should be done by the company?

My recommendation is that I think it is very important for our company to continue selling beef burgers and make their products even in the future. In California, the water is very cheap for businesses and because of this; I recommend that we take advantage of this situation and also selling water at very low prices. By doing this, the company will remain very profitable, and most people in California will be coming to the company to buy both water and other food supplies for example; chicken, lettuce, beef and walnuts (Jonnes 367). This will ensure that the company maintain its profit and hence, will not suffer any loss during the drought. It will also not affect the people of California with water usage.

What is your rationale for your recommendation? In other words, why do you recommend this course of action?

There are very many reasons why I have made the above-mentioned recommendations. The first reason is that I want to ensure that the company continues to produce burgers since the products that are being used to make burgers either neither affect anything nor affected by the drought. The recommendation implies that the company will continue making its profit from the food it sells and also for supplying water to the people of California during the drought season (Jonnes 367). We also have taken advantage of very cheap water from the government. So when the company purchases the cheap water and supply it to the people of California at low prices it will get profit and also the company will continue to make its products despite the company experiencing drought.

What is the ethical dilemma or issue?

In this scenario, the vice president of marketing is a clear depiction of greed. The twenty per cent profit margin is an example of a greedy offer that is in front of you. The ethical dilemma, in this case, is if it is ethical to increase the cost of products in the market. However, it is very important to know how to increase chicken cost, ethically and legally without being greedy. The issue here is that if the five minutes gave is enough for the chicken to be labeled as free-range chicken. Another issue is that if the chickens are left to be out for longer times, will it cost more money for the farm to be operated? If the chickens are not left out for longer times, then we will be lying to our esteemed customers about labeling the chicken as free range.

What is the alternative or possible course for the action? Identify at least three alternatives.

The first alternative is that, instead of the cages to be opened for longer times, the facility structure of the cage can be opened. The window size that exists can be replaced by windows with wider sizes. This is very important as it will ensure that there is enough air that goes into the cage facility. The second alternative is trying poultry farming traditionally. Cage does not exist inside the facility in the traditional poultry farming. In this way, the chicken will have more freedom of walking around as they will have more space. The traditional way is also very important because the feeds and drinking water of the chicken will be higher and this will help the chicken to be feeding and drinking on clean water and food unlike when the water and food are on the ground. The last alternative is to keep the chicken in the cage during night times and letting the chicken out into a closed farm during the daytime.

What are your recommendations? In other words, of the several alternatives identified, what should be done by the company?

I recommend the last alternative this is keeping the chicken in their cages during the night times and the day; the chicken should be let in a closed farmyard. This is close to making the chicken free-range chickens. Free range chickens are naturally healthier. So during the day when the chickens are in a closed farmyard, they will have enough sunlight, and that will enable the chicken to grow more healthily. The chicken will also have the opportunity of eating other things other than their feeds, and that will be very essential for their growth (Wood 11).

What is your rationale for your recommendation? In other words, why do you recommend this course of action?

The reason why I chose the above recommendation is that the chicken will grow more healthily due to the nutrients that they will get during the day and also the sunlight that the chicken is going to get during the day. The other reason is that this will be a way cheaper because since the chicken will be eating freely from the closed farmyard, the number of their feeds will be reduced.

Works Cited

Jones, Thomas M. "Ethical decision making by individuals in organizations: An issue-contingent model." Academy of management review 16.2 (1991): 366-395.

Wood, Jacqueline. "Ethical decision making." Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 16.1 (2001): 6-10.

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