Environmental sensitiveness essay

Environmental Sensitivity

Environmental sensitivity develops when people become sensitive to chemicals or events in their daily interactions with the environment. This is especially true when the aforementioned folks demonstrate sensitivity that is well below the average of what other people exhibit. The illness can be triggered by a variety of factors. This includes fuels, electromagnetic equipment radiations, paints, petrochemicals, and cigarette smoke, as well as pets, plants, fuels, molds, scented products, and food.
The environmental effects of environmental sensitivity are far-reaching. A formerly successful student\u2019s academic performance may suffer considerably. In this scenario, a teacher may be concerned about why results can decline suddenly.  The student in the long run will find themselves unable to tolerate the classroom environment. The same can be said of a productive employee who will find herself unable to continue working in the same environment set up. This may result in employers being unable to adjust the working environment in order to suit the affected group. This is especially if the employer has no past experience of employees who have previously suffered from environment sensitivity. At the end of the day previously productive people may find themselves losing their positions at the work place due to factors beyond their control. Some of the affected individuals may lack shelter due to them becoming jobless. Savings intended for old age also become depleted as well as a rapid increase in bank debts for self sustenance.<\/p>

Social Sensitivity

On the other hand, social sensitivity is the expertise, at which a person is able to recognize, comprehend and perceive circumstances and cues in their day to day social engagements as well as portraying respect to other people. The importance of social sensitivity cannot be overemphasized. Research has shown over time that those individuals who score well as far as social sensitiveness is concerned always succeed in their future endeavors. This could be in business, academia and even politics. It as well makes one to be popular amongst his colleagues.<\/p>

Signs of High Sensitivity<\/h3>

There are various signs which can be used identify someone who possesses high sensitivity. An individual in this class understands conversational cues. They are good listeners of divergent opinions. As such they are able to involve others during discussions. As such they are team players who can work towards building of cohesive team. On the other hand, an individual who exhibits low sensitivity always talks about themselves. They are always boasting on their little achievements. They do not afford other people chance to talk. They thus ignore basic social cues in their day to day endeavors. Research has shown that those people who exude low sensitivity generally do not get respect from their colleagues.<\/p>

Emotional Sensitivity

Emotional sensitivity is the simplicity or difficulty with which an individual reacts emotionally to diverse situations. Emotional sensitivity can be measured on two scales. The first scale is used to measure how an individual is tuned to their personal feelings. Whereas some people are highly sensitive emotionally to their personal feelings and always take things very deeply others do not seem to be aware of what they are feeling. The other scale seeks to find out how an individual\u2019s sensitivity compare to the feelings and emotions of other individuals. It is imperative to note that in some instances some children tend to be non \u2013responsive to what the view emotionally in their surroundings. Some people tend to be concerned on what is happening to other people whereas a good number do not pay any attention to what is happening to their associates. In addition, it should be understood that people can be high on one scale of emotional sensitivity and yet be on the low side on the other. As a result, people may find themselves being aware of their personal feelings up to the point of being self absorbed. This may make them be insensitive to the feelings of other people.<\/p>

Research on Sensitivity<\/h3>

Research in this three domains has been carried out previously has not been conclusive. As such a thorough research in these three domains will be of great importance. Feldner (2006) conducted a research on anxiety sensitivity. The research however had serious limitations as it did not encompass all the pertinent factors in environmental sensitivity. The research used different frameworks. It applied imaginational, intellectual, emotional and psychomotor framework in a bid to get a clear understanding of the effects of environmental sensitivity. Similarly (Mobley, 2010) carried out a research in which he explored the extra determinants of environmentally responsible behavior. The study aimed to determine as to whether reading of approximately three environmental sensitivity books authored by (Walden, A Sand County Almanac, and Silent Spring) is directly associated with the probability of engaging environmentally responsible behavior. It conceptualized the activity as an experience as well as a source of environmental sensitivity. The research indicated that whereas studying the three books under consideration was a strong indication of environmental sensitivity, environmental concern showed stronger indication.<\/p>

Research done by Patterson and Stockbridge (1998) on cognitive responsibility also showed that participants under cognitive load tended to perform better on a sensitivity test especially when they were informed to employ insightful a more certain strategy but they turned out to be worse off when a less automatic strategy was suggested. Research also found out that when one is under cognitive load, application of cognitive strategies tended to be beneficial to the individual. This is because reading of non verbal cues is a more habitual process.<\/p>

On the other hand, poor communal sensitivity performance was realised from a cognitive load which was more compromised through deliberative and thoughtful processing. In conclusion, the research found out that the strategies employed worked in the same way for both gents and ladies.<\/p>

In contrast, cognitive load compromised deliberative, thoughtful processing, which resulted in poorer social sensitivity performance. In sum, social sensitivity is a skill that can be performed successfully through a variety of strategies. These strategies seem to work similarly for men and women, given the null effects of sex of participant in Patterson and Stockbridge\u2019s (1998) study.<\/p>

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