English Lesson Plan

A lesson plan, according to Singh and Sharma (2010), is a precise explanation of what is to be taught in a specific lesson by a teacher. The lesson plan is sometimes described as the pre-active phase of teaching. The lesson plan is important because it provides direction on how a student can better their education. It is also seen as a communication tool for both the teacher and the student, serving as a guide in structuring material that would assist students in achieving their educational objectives. However, the purpose of the paper is to provide a lesson plan using ZPD and describe how the lesson can be explained using Piaget’s view of development.

English Lesson Plan




8:00 - 9:00 am

Reading to students

The teacher will choose the materials that he uses in the class. He then reads aloud to the student

The student is supposed to pay much attention to the teacher as they go through a passage.

Short Break

9:30 – 11: 00 am


The duration involves the aspects of teacher modeling, story presentation, and structure guidance reading

The teacher is the initiator of the process as he offers the necessary help to the students. The children will then have the opportunity to apply what the teacher has asked them. However, as the students make the presentation, the teacher is to offer help where the students are failing to deliver.

Tea Break

11:30 – 12:15 noon

Student regulated

Students will be clustered and asked to read to their colleagues a selected passage

Independent reading is then witnessed towards the end of the lesson

The teacher is expected to offer guidance to the groups on the best way they should read the passage to the class

Individual reading will offer support to the group that has difficulties in pronouncing and statement structuring. The student determines what section of the work he will read

The purpose of the lesson plan above is to demonstrate the aspects of “I do you watch” – “I do you help” – “you do I help” and “you do I watch.”

Piaget’s View

The lesson plan demonstrates the concept of assistance to the students that have difficulty in interpreting certain aspects of education. According to Harry Beilin (2013), Piaget’s theory of language and culture states that children have a way of changing perspectives on language focusing on different aspects of the verbal activity. The concept of ZPD will improve a student’s level of learning as they have the opportunity to evaluate their progress in a given subject. Similarly, it is also viewed that, interaction with peers will improve a student’s skill in executing various activities (McLeod, 2012). The teacher often concentrates on using cooperative learning exercises that will help children attain development from their peer’s abilities. In the long run, they will attain interpersonal skills that can be applied in acquiring certain products also making inquiries where they are facing difficulties. Nevertheless, the application of this strategy will help a student progress and achieve their education milestone.

In conclusion, cognitive theory elaborates the various ways that a student can improve their skills and knowledge. However, ZPD provides a guideline on how bets a teacher can offer assistance to a student with difficulty to attain good marks. The ZPD approach further describes the approach that the teacher will use in telling a student how a particular concept is applied and why they should use that approach.


Harry Beilin, P. B. (2013). Piaget's Theory: Prospects and Possibilities. New York: Psychology Press.

McLeod, S. (2012). Zone of Proximal Development. Simply Psychology, 1-6.

Singh, Y. K., & Sharma, A. (2010). Micro-teaching. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing.

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