Embarking on a Remarkable Catering Experience

Experience on a Saturday Dinner Shift

Today, I had a new experience since it was my first time to work on a Saturday's dinner shift. What was more exciting was the fact that there were about 52 customers, which is about twice the number of people who are booked in on Thursday lunch. I, therefore, got a chance to be part of those who prepared the restaurant for the services and later, I table 1 was assigned to me. I also had to run drinks and food for other tables. The exposure from today's experience is crucial for my future career in the field of catering. As I was running some drinks, a fellow waiter almost collided with me on the way and I was angry with him. However, I now know that I should have understood his pressure to deliver his services instead of getting emotional. According to the Association of Colleges (2014), emotions can be a barrier to good working relationships. Also, good interactions and effective communications are crucial for good working relationships (McDaniel, 2006; Ragins & Dutton, 2006). However, we served every customer to their satisfaction according to their needs. This was possible as all the waiters practiced their learned communication skills. Also, interacting with actual customers helped me comprehend the challenges facing the catering industry (William Blue, 2018).


Association of Colleges (2014). Working Relationships.

Ragins, B.R., & Dutton, J.E. (2006). Positive Relationships at Work: An Introduction and Invitation.

Tallia, A.F., Lanham, H.J., McDaniel, R.R., & Crabtree, B.F. (2006). 7 Characteristics of Successful Working Relationships.

William Blue (2018). William Blue Dining. Retrieved from https://www.williamblue.edu.au/about/william-blue-dining

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