Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid

The Impact of War

War is an occurrence that is defined by negotiations between two parties with the aim of causing division or pursuing equality. It has the impact of undermining all societal activities because it is connected to societal disorders. War is such a traumatic event that it causes both bodily and psychological harm to countless numbers of individuals. Because the market environment does not encourage any progressive activity, it inhibits growth from occurring in a particular country. On the other hand, peace can be distinguished by an absence of violence and the ability to act however one pleases. In this circumstance, people are free to go about their daily lives without worry.

Rwanda is one of the developing nations which has been exposed to effects of wars and peace in the past years. It is widely recognized internationally for the genocide which left the country bleeding. Its economic activity was severely affected negatively and left citizens under abject poverty, but only under the mercies of United Nations to support them (Byusa, 2012).

Foreign Aid and Peace in Rwanda

Foreign aid distribution in this country is dependent on prevailing environment in the country. The experienced war attracted international nation to channel their funds in this country to help reduce poverty levels. This has been possible after the citizens have maintained peace within the country to enable donors distribute aids to various people. With this, much development have been witnessed and Rwanda is currently growing at increased rate (Carey, 2012).

However, the donors have been seen to favor Tutsi over Hutus. Hutus are the majority and live at outskirts of the cities while the Tutsi are few. The wealth has been unequally distributed with Hutus being sidelined. In real sense, the poverty among Hutus is still evident while Tutsi are well off. This social classification is speculated to bring another problem in the country (Byusa, 2012).

The current president has also favored the minority and keeping them in power over the majority. If such a scenario continues for long without address, significant negative impacts could be witnessed. Donations and help from other countries is not shared in the right manner causing fear of war.

Impact of Genocide and Recovery Efforts

The impact of genocide have remained history in Rwanda. People have been able to learn through the hard way and the current Rwanda has a different story. One way the leadership has contributed to healing the nation is through maintaining political stability (Dibeh, 2010). Foreign aids has enabled leaders to remain calm and maintain peace for the continued support to be witnessed. Additionally, most of the infrastructure in the nation has been improved. Before donations from other nations, the country had no significant development. War had left everything destroyed and there was nothing to enjoy in Rwanda. However, intrusion of international donors has enabled improvement of various sectors. Starting from roads to other amenities such as hospitals (Byusa, 2012).

Homegrown policies have been facilitated by these funds as well. You find that leaders have been able to come up with policies which safeguard their economic growth. For example, the policy on maintenance of the environment. According to this policy, every person is supposed to maintain the city clean. No littering is allowed in the city and people have been tuned to respect this. Financing such a policy requires funds which have been provided by other nations (Carey, 2012). Additionally, foreign funds have been used to improve agriculture. Currently, the country has strategy to produce crops for export rather than just for internal consumption. This is among the vision 2020, which has been set by the leadership (Dibeh, 2010).

These strategies have been very helpful in the growth and mitigation of negative effects which were left after genocide. People are now appreciating the coexistence with other for the general benefit of entire nation.

Foreign Aid and Reduction of Warfare

Foreign aids have helped greatly in reduction of warfare in Rwanda. Currently, peace has been restored in the country and people can conduct their businesses with no conflict. International nations have played their part in helping restore peace in this nation. Through finance and knowledge transfer, they have been of great help to Rwanda. However, poverty reduction has not been completely eradicated.

It has been identified that the two warring groups (Tutsi and Hutus) are economically different (Martinez, 2011). Tutsi have been favored by international nations. This is the group which is in power and the minority. The inequality in wealth sharing is the cause of problems in Rwanda. Hutus are in rural areas and are less considered by the government in power. Most of the funds donated by other nations is first shared among the Tutsi, leaving the larger group languishing in poverty (Ranis, 2010). Not unless a plan is arrived at on how to help all people equally, the levels of poverty in the nation might continue to enlarge. A big gap exists between the Tutsi and Hutu, due to this selection criteria. This could be a source of further problems if donors are not keen on the sharing of wealth.


Foreign aids have helped reduce hostility which existed between Tutsi and Hutus in Rwanda. Financial help and other material support have witnessed the current developments in this country. However, poverty reduction and equality in wealth sharing have not been achieved fully. This is an area where United Nations should focus their interest to prevent further war cases.


Byusa, V. (2012). The Gospel of Foreign Aid: A Theoretical Note. Rwanda Journal, 26(1).

Carey, H. F. (2012). Foreign Aid Dependency Dilemmas. Privatizing the Democratic Peace, 156-172.

Dibeh, G. (2010). Foreign Aid and Economic Development in Post‐war Lebanon. Foreign Aid for Development, 179-194.

Martinez, M. (2011). Explaining Peace Duration through Foreign Aid and Civil War Outcome. The Eagle Feather.

Ranis, G. (2010). Towards the Enhanced Effectiveness of Foreign Aid. Foreign Aid for Development, 57-62.

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