Effects of Major Social Institutions that Create, Facilitate, Eliminate and Alleviate the Hierarchy of Class, Gender and Sexuality

Human beings and Social Influence

Human beings are heavily influenced by the society within which they are born into. This factor means that the outlook and view on life that people develop I auto-suggested to them over a long period. Human beings are generally very open to suggestion. This matter is especially true in aspects where one does not have prior knowledge of what is expected (Yancey 249). That is why the primary influence on how people view class gender and sexuality are from the central social institutions that they find themselves in (Weber). This essay looks at the effects of family, religion, as well as culture, affects how people view the hierarchies of class, gender as well as sexuality.

Major Social Institutions


The first way that human beings are socialized is by their families. Families are run in unique ways. Families today have many aspects of their belief system borrowed from the way the society is set up. Being the most basic level of socialization, peoples view on sexuality, gender as well as class is first impressed o them by the way their families view these matters. Children, therefore, regard themselves as either male or female, and they see from family experience how gender roles are divided within the home. The class is also a matter that they learn based on where their family places themselves on the scale of class. The family, therefore, defines how children identify within their society right off the back (Cole 170).


Like family, religion is also a factor that many people begin to identify with from a young age. There are some religions across the world. Christians, Jews, Muslims as well as Buddhist all have a different belief system with a dffe4ent set of teachings. This is a social institution that dramatically affects how people identify and accept the hierarchies of class, sexuality an also gender. More people recognize as agnostic, and this is another influence on people’s perception of these social matters. Some religions, for instance, forbid same-sex marriages. It shows that not only are there clear lines that divide genders in this case; there is also a preconceived perception of what is to be expected of individuals (Lorber 91).


Culture has a broad spectrum in the present day. It can be looked at from a linguistic perspective where certain people with a particular dialect have a given culture. It can also be viewed based on geographical influences over a given group. One can, therefore, say that there is a “New York culture.” Culture is the way that people do things based on their customs. Cultures vary significantly around the world. Matters of sexuality and class can be seen from eons ago. Cultures in history such as Greek culture was open to homosexual practices as is revealed in their literature. Sappho, a female poet from Lesbos Island, is proof that women attracted to other women are not a recent development in social circles. The way people are culturally assimilated is based on the view that they have which places some cultural practices above others (Wilson).

Problems Embedded within Major Social institutions that may facilitate the creation of unequal access and opportunities for individuals and groups.

Family Perceived expectation

The problem with a family that often accelerates the divide in class, gender and sexuality perception is perceived expectations. People are hardwired to feel the need to impress family and “make them proud.” While this is not the case for every individual on the planet, the vast majority of people will admit to feeling a sense of responsibility towards family. This is a matter that has made many homosexual people live “in the closet” to avoid disappointing family members who have expectations of what is right or unacceptable sexually. Transgender people often find it difficult as well to express to their families that they identify in a different way than their vital organs portray (Lin 785).

Judgment and Sin

Religion is sacred. This is important for its survival and its growth. This is also a problem about people accepting a different point of view that is seen holy. The Cristian religion, for instance, sees homosexual behavior as seen. This is seen in text such as in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where God punished the towns with fire for homosexual practices. This religious views people have are often unshakeable, and they view the fluidity of gender and the openness of sexuality as matters that are sinful (Lin 787).

Unacceptable or Abominable

Culture, as seen, is extensive in the spectrum. It is not limited to the tribal customs of a given group. The entirety of it, however, drives people’s perspective of the matter. Class, gender and sexuality are primarily driven by cultural perceptions in my view. Culture drives the outlook that society has on situations. If the culture that is accepted paints something as positive, society then leans to view that factor as positive. Homosexuality, for example, is becoming more accepted in modern day society as it becomes more spoken about and more portrayed in the world, e.g., in films and music. As more gay people in different walks of life go “out of the closet,” more people in society embrace that factor, and it is becoming more acceptable (Little).

How the Social Perceptions lead to Inequality in access to Opportunities


A supportive family is essential for the overall well-being of many individuals. It is an excellent ingredient to the recipe for the success of people in the current society. Lacking support from family members based on your gender identification, sexual orientation or even the class within which one marries, or associates affects relationships among people. This can cause people to miss out on opportunities or place them for failure. It is however not always the case as many people can rise above t and be successful in their ventures. The primary way that family affects this subject significantly is because people go off and start their own families. If their views are unrefined, the cycle continues, and the views carry forward to the next generation (Boyd).


One way the religious aspects of a given subject about class, sexuality, and gender can affect equality is in the below example. It is not unusual for a fanatic in the Christian religion, for instance, to deny an opportunity to someone based on their identification. That is why some people prefer to remain quiet about the way they identify because they feel ashamed. The judgmental outlook of these matters that are considered religiously sinful causes a huge divide between these two kinds of people. This affects the equity in the distribution of resources considering people have these varying views even outside religious arenas (Cleaver 893).


Culture defines how much people in society accept matters and class, gender and sexuality issues are no different. People in modern society being the age of information are more open to allowing change. This can be seen by the mainstreaming of subjects regarding gender, race, class, as well as sexuality. Some policies have been put in place to protect the rights of these individuals to ensure they are not discriminated against in the workplace; these laws are put in place to protect their rights as citizens of their nations. Africa, for instance, has not adopted these policies. This has led to many individuals getting even physically assaulted for being gay or identifying as lesbians (Smith).


In conclusion, family religion, as well as culture, are vast drivers of society’s perception of the matter of sexuality, gender as well as class. A wealthy person is culturally portrayed as a person of a higher class compared to a less wealthy person. In the same regard, gender roles are often married with sexual orientation in society. With changes in the way, people view sexuality these matters need to be readdressed and reviewed. It takes a huge paradigm shift from the family level to make changes entirely that society perceives these matters. This factor will help reduce inequality that is brought about by the perceptions people have developed based on family, religion and the culture that they have been exposed to.

Works Cited

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Weber, Lynn. "A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality." ResearchGate, 1 Sept. 1988, www.researchgate.net/publication/229813319_A_Conceptual_Framework_for_Understanding_Race_Class_Gender_and_Sexuality.

Wilson, Emily. "Lady of Lesbos." The Guardian, 20 Sept. 2017, www.theguardian.com/books/2004/feb/02/classics.

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